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Fifteen Years Later.

"Dad! I've asked you not to go through my stuff!" Hak-kun groaned, the volume of his voice increasing.

"Well, when you come home past your curfew, I'm going to do what I can to make sure you were responsible!" I responding, taking deep breaths to remain calm.

"You knew I was going to a party! You approved it!"

"Yes, but with the stipulation that you get home before your curfew," I added, watching his eyebrows crease.

Hak-kun scoffed. "Clearly you've never been to a party, because ten pm is when they actually start getting good!"

"I know," I admitted, voice falling. "I'm aware of what happens at parties after ten pm and that's why you have that curfew."

"I just want to live my life dad, come on!"

Footsteps echoed from down the hall, Taehyung soon entering the kitchen. "I could hear you all from the driveway. What's going on?"

"I got home last night an hour past curfew and dad here is throwing a fit!" Hak-kun complained, putting his hands on his hips.

Taehyung nodded, swallowing as he set his briefcase down on the kitchen island.

He motioned for our son to sit down on the bar stools, grabbing a hand in his.

"Son, you know we love you, right?"

Hak-kun nodded. "Of course."

"I am going to tell you this so you understand where your dad and I are coming from, okay? You're seventeen, I think you can handle it."

The male nodded again. I made eye contact with my husband before also giving a small nod.

"Your father and I met in a drug rehab group. I was older when I got hooked, but your other dad here..."

I sighed, letting Taehyung know I would continue the story. "My parents were drug dealers. I was always around drugs, but didn't officially start using them until I was fourteen. I went to my fair share of parties when I was your age, and that's where I got a hold of a lot of the heavier drugs."

Hak-kun's eyes grew wide as he looked between us. "I never would've guessed. You both seem so... normal."

Taehyung chuckled, ruffling our son's hair. "We've put in our fair share of time and effort to look normal, son. We've both been sober for around sixteen years. We still go to meetings every morning while you're at school."

"I-This is crazy. I-I'm so sorry I brought all of this up." Hak-kun apologized, standing up to bow, only for Taehyung to stop him.

"No, it's okay son. You deserve to know! Actually... We may not have ever met and adopted you if it wasn't for our rehab group. Most of us are still around, and still sober. Our friend, Zico though... his sister died around the time of our wedding, leaving behind a son. Zico raised you until you were almost three, and then he fell off the wagon. He ended up dying via an overdose. We immediately took you in, and officially adopted you about six months after."

"I'm..." Hak-kun's face saddened, making me walk around the island to grab his empty hand.

"Kunny, don't fret on those things now. We know it's a lot, especially all at once. We never told you what happened to bring you to us, but my goodness, we're glad it brought you into our lives. We love you so much, Hak-kunny, just like you are our flesh and blood, okay?"

He nodded, swallowing harshly. "I, um... I think I'm going to go upstairs and read a little bit while I process, okay? I love you both." He kissed each of us on the cheek before shouldering his school bag and walking up the stairs.

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