Extra Chapter - Hinata's Day off

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I was advised to stay in bed for the rest of the day making me skip the class' tour to the museums. Naruto kun even had an argument with Kakashi sensei due to the reason that he just wanted to stay with me, which of course Kakashi sensei did not allowed because he was badly needed in the tour.

I also told him that he should go and not worry about me.

"Don't worry Naruto, I'll look after her" Shion raised her hand. Maybe she had enough of Naruto's endless reasoning of why he should not leave.

"Shion, you don't even know how to take care of yourself." He pouted.

"Shut up!" Shion hissed and grab Naruto's collar.

I laughed at the two of them.

"I'll stay here too for the time being." Sasuke came out from the kitchen with an apple on his right hand, yes this room has a kitchen - cool right?. "I got nothing to do anyway"

"The last thing I remember Sasuke, the only thing you took care of is your pride!" Naruto sprawled himself on the bed. Sasuke gave him a deadly glare in return. "Don't start with me Naruto" biting the apple in his hand.

Naruto just pouted and looked at me.

"Neh, Hinata... Let me stay ...ttebayou!!!" he said pleading.

"Naruto kun, I'm sorry but you really can't, they need you there!"

"But?!" he curled himself and hugged his knees.

A series of knocks were heard at the door.

"I think they're here to pick you up".

Sasuke who was standing near the door looked into a small monitor before turning the knob and let the door open.

The door revealed a blushing Sakura at the sight of the door keeper.

"H-hi" she raised her right hand to give a small wave to Sasuke.

Sasuke just nod and move aside for Sakura to come in. " You can take him away now." He casually said to her and looked at the sulking Naruto.

"Eh," finally she managed to take her gaze off him and followed where his attention is into.

Her reaction changed at the sight of me.

"Hinata!!!" she ran and embrace me gently.

I never expected that from her though.

"I am really, really sorry Hina!!"

"No, no, no, don't be... Its also my fault" I smiled.

She smiled back at me and pay her attention next to the blond sprawling at the end of the bed. "Naruto! We've been waiting for you!". Her voice rising.

"No! I would not leave, I'll just stay here" he curled himself again.

Sakura stood up and without a second to spare, she pulled Naruto's jacket and dragged him down the bed, me and Shion almost jumped in surprise, a bit worried for our friend. "Owww!!! Let go! Sakura chan!".

"Excuse my intrusion but lover boy here needs to go" and she smiled and wink at me dragging Naruto to the door to which Sasuke willingly opened.

Sakura gave Sasuke another sweet smile before leaving the room.

"Let go! Hinata don't do this to me!!!" he cried as Sasuke closed the door smirking to his friend.

"I'm startin' to like that girl" Sasuke laughed "He knows how to beat the dorkness out of that idiot" and he grin.

Me and Shion just look at eachother.

Shion lend me some of her fancy clothes, I picked a yellow tank top and partnered it with fuscia skinny jeans really not my color and fashion though but I really need to get out with this silk night gown.

Shion and Sasuke stayed with me the whole day, I realized that Shion is fun to be with and yeah shes a bit bratty alright. Sasuke on the other hand was a quiet type of guy a complete opposite of Naruto kun. He just spend the day reading magazines and watching news -he isn't that of a pervert after all.

During lunch Sasuke prepared seared salmon with cauliflower puree, I did not expect him to be a great cook. And being too hungry I finished my plate before them to their surprise.

"Thanks for the food!" I said as I finished eating.

"I'm getting bored," Shion say lazily while wiping her mouth with the table napkin.

"Hinata! Lets go shopping!" She excitedly pulled my hand.

"Eh, Shopping?"

"Oi!Oi!Oi! She needs to rest remember!" Sasuke looked at Shion.

"But she's okay now! Right Hinata?"

"Uhmm" I nodded, well I do feel okay now especially after mouth watering lunch.

The two started to debate whether to go out or not then suddenly my phone beep, making them stop and look at me.

I looked at the caller id, its Naruto kun, I excuse myself and leave the two who were now glaring at each other.

I went to the balcony and answered the phone.

"Hey!" The sound of his voice make my heart skip.

"Hi Naruto kun"I replied smiling.

"How are you? are they treating you well?"

"Don't worry about me, I'm fine.. how bout you?" I asked as I played with my hair biting my lip.

"Cool, they're enjoying themselves.. but not me - "

"huh?! .. why.."

"Because you're not here.."

I blushed .. "N-naruto kun..."

Next Chapter .... *The Date*

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