Chapter 6 - New Feelings

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Sorry for the late update, my draft for this chapter was accidentally deleted I am having technical difficulties (sob!) I am almost halfway through o(╥﹏╥)o

Need to start all over again ┐('~';)┌

"New Feelings"

The bell finally rang indicating the end of today's class. This day is different from any other day since it is the start of Golden week - a week-long vacation awaits the students. Hallways were immediately filled with noisy and excited students sharing to their colleagues about their plans for the upcoming vacation.

As for me I immediately leave the classroom and go straight to my locker, I heard Kiba calling me but I just fasten my pace and joined a mob of students piling up in the corridor. Why am I so good at running and hiding?...

I make some excuses to the students roving around the locker area - Number 428, there it is. I pinned the combination and opened my locker and as expected there it is, a small lavender colored envelope-with my shaking hands I reached for it and looked at the sender. My lavender eyes grew big at the sight of the name.

" No....." I muttered, when I was about to open the envelope someone yelled my name, it was my friend Kiba.

"Hinata!!" he yelled as he makes his way through the crowd of students.

I immediately hid the small envelope to my bag so that Kiba won't noticed. I also get the books I needed to take home before closing my locker.

"Hinata, what's the rush? you really walk fast you know" Kiba chuckled and looked at what I am holding in my arms.

"Books? geez Hina you're such a bookworm" Kiba scratched his head.

"Kiba kun, do you need something?" I asked him as I start to take a step away from the locker with him following me.

"I just wanna ask if you want to come with us, Shika, Shino, Chouji and with the new guy- Naruto"

I was about to say yes but when I heard a certain someone I changed my mind.

"No...." I answered quickly.

Kiba stopped his pace and looked at me, "Eeehhh ... Hinata?".

"A-no... I, I need to ... to do.. to do something" I finally said and managed to give a smile back at him.

"Hinata, don't be like that! you were absent for two weeks and now we have a week-long vacation... " Kiba whined. "You haven't spent some time with us anymore" he added, I know that he is just over exaggerating things to get me.

He continue to persuade me until we reach the school's gate.

"I am really sorry Kiba kun but I really can't" I stopped as a figure blocked my way.

"Can't, what?" a familiar voice asked me back. It was him, the blonde boy with cerulean blue eyes. My knees weaken at the sight of him standing in front of me, so close that I could even smell his fresh perfume. Geez, I think I'm gonna faint!...

"Naruto-kun!" I said in surprised. His height overpowered me, about a foot taller than me-yeah I know I'm a bit petite.

"C'mon Hinata, I just want to roam around town and Chouji here told me that there is a great ramen restaurant there... ... And I invited all your friends too" Naruto excitedly said with a wink making my heart sank.

"But..." I hesitated.

"My treat! It's like a welcome party to me!" Naruto added.

"What a drag... a welcome party for yourself?" Shikamaru smirked.

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