Chapter 14 - Answer Me

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Answer Me

"Thank you for waiting Hinata"


That voice, it wasn't Toneri sama's... I raised my head and faced the mirror before me, my heart wanted to explode right there and then. My room is not well lit but his deep blue orbs were like gems in the dark piercing deep into mine's.

I turned around, and met his penetrating gaze even more.

"Naruto kun" a tear fell and ran through my cheeks.

I felt a sudden jolt of excitement and happiness from the sight of him and I wanted to run ... ... ... run to him and cry, cry as hard as I could and shed all the tears I had been keeping and to release all of this burden thats been creeping inside of me. But its impossible, I can't ... because by the end of this day I'll be walking a different path, away from this town, away from my friends and away from him. I hold my stance.


"Hinata..." The moonlight from her open window shines upon her making her beauty as enchanting as ever.

"Don't do this Hinata... Please"

She shook her head. "No, ...Naruto its my destiny... I can't do anything about this... As a member of the main family of this clan... I- I must comply " her eyes glistening.

"But why didn't you tell us, Why didn't you tell Kiba and Shino? We're your friends dattebayou"

"I already caused them a lot of troubles! This is my battle not theirs... I don't want to always depend on them, they already done so much for me, and ... and you too... I'm already dragging you into this!!! I don't want to be a burden for you all!!! This should end now!" she cried.

"As if we'll let you! Hinata, Listen! Its our choice, my choice to be your friend, to be always there for you, to be there to protect you!"

She looked at me for a second and turned her gaze away.

... Silence...

"Please don't do this to me Naruto kun" she covered her face with her hands and leaned on the wall behind her.

I closed the distance between us with just two huge steps. I placed both of my lower arms against the wall enveloping her so that she could not escape. I need her answers - whatever it may be.

"Do you love him?" my voice breaking, afraid of whatever answer she'll give. "Do you love that guy?" I repeated, my hands forming a fist.

If she loves him, just like how Shion does I'll accept my defeat. But if she don't, then...

"I ... I ... " She stuttered, my heart is crashing at her every breath.

"You don't love him right?!" my voice rising. "Just tell me, thats all I need to know Hinata". I looked at her already watery eyes my face just inches above her.

"I need to marry him... ... " she murmur.

"I need to" she added.

"Do you love him?" my voice firm.

"Its my fate Naruto kun!" she insisted.

"Dammit' Hinata! Just answer my question!" I'm now in rage, my eyes on fire. Hinata got startled at the sound of my voice and I saw panic in her eyes.

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