"Thank you for being so understanding,"  Asami genuinely said, "I don't know where to start."

"You wanna tell me who he is?" her girlfriend softly questioned. "Again, you don't have to." 

"I know." Asami said, trying to keep her cool. "Shaozuo was… My only friend."

She couldn't look at Korra directly, but she imagined this only made her more confused. And that suspicion was confirmed, with Korra's next words. 

"What about Ella?" Her girlfriend asked, genuinely baffled. 

Asami chuckled. "Oh, she absolutely hated me because I disturbed her sleep or something. Plus, who the hell would want to befriend the teenage weirdo that had to wear sunscreen all of the time?" She joked, which actually made Korra crack a smile. 

"But I'm serious," Asami said a moment later, "Ella and I didn't exactly get along until after... Him. I did have some friends, but mostly because they wanted to copy my homework."


A simple "Oh," left Korra's mouth, as she waited for Asami to continue talking. 

"Yeah." Asami tried keeping the light tone, knowing that this was not an easy subject to bestow upon anyone. "He was… A good friend. It's funny to say that now, but it's true. He never asked to cheat off me in any test, we didn't do homework together… okay, the bar was very low, but at the time that seemed thoughtful."

"That's terrible." Korra said, eyebrows clenched together in worry. 

"Both me and you have been through worse," Asami waved her off, "at the time it seemed more dramatic than it actually was, since I was a teenager."

"Depends on what you say next." Korra deadpanned. "I, myself, find it hard to believe."

"Nothing actually happened." Asami said after a loaded pause. "Unlike other students that tried to use me for school work, he just tried to use me for… other things."

Asami didn't have to look at Korra, to know that her face softened in sympathy. "Oh, baby…" 

"That's how me and Ella became friends, actually." She immediately changed the subject. "She had a taser."

"That could definitely come in handy," Korra  sounded horrified, but she sti manaved to reply.

"Yep," Asami nodded, nervously chewing on her bottom lip nervously. "Well, that was that. Are you hungry? I'm starving." Again, Asami gently nudged her, attempting to break the awkwardness and change the subject. She raised her gaze and made eye contact with Korra, trying to convince her that everything was fine. 

Korra looked back, a faint smile on her lips. "I'll fix you up with something to eat real quick," she assured, "but beforehand, would it be okay if I asked you something?" 

"Oh," well, she couldn't exactly say no to that without looking traumatized. Of course, she may have been traumatized, the symptoms fit, but she didn't want Korra to see her like that. Not after everything Korra had told her she'd been through, It would make Asami look so... spoiled and pathetic. "Sure, go ahead." 

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