"They're all cute, gotta be honest," Joe says.

"Yeah but I'm not sure any of them are for us," I tell him, pouting.

"What about this one?" Joe asks from down a bit, crouching and petting a dog through the cage.

I make my way over, noticing he was petting a golden retriever. I grin, crouching down at well and noticing the blanket in the corner as well as the water bowl and empty food bowl near it, followed by the piece of paper taped to the wall to the left with her picture and "Penelope" printed on it.

"She's precious," I tell him, petting her too. "And sweet."

He nods. "I think she'd get along with Porky too."

"Are you saying she's the one you want?" I ask, raising my eyebrows.

"She seems to be the sweetest of them, and she seems to like the both of us too." He nods. "I say she's the one."

I nod. "Then she's the one."

After filling out the paperwork, we take Penelope to the car, let her get in, and drive to the nearest pet store to grab dog food, bowls, a large dog bed, and, of course, a collar and leash.

"Home we go girlie!" I say, petting her as Joe starts driving off towards home.

"You're happy?" Joe asks, grinning over at her.

I nod. "Of course, I'm happy!"

"Good." He smiles and kisses the back of my hand. "Happy Birthday my love."

"Thank you," I smile.

Later in the evening, Joe excuses himself to the home studio to try and do some writing as I enter the bedroom ready to change into something more comfortable and figure out what I want for my dinner. Instead, however, I find a box and a note on the bed, lifting the thick paper to read it.

My love,

Get dressed, get ready.

Tonight is all about you, let's celebrate you.


A grin can't help but appear on my lips as I drop the note onto the comforter and gently open the box to reveal a beautiful dress. I pull the dress out of the box, holding it up to look at it entirely. Straight hair and a natural look will be just fine, thankfully. I wasn't necessarily planning to get all dressed up but he's clearly planned something so I can't not get ready.

Once getting myself ready, I exit the bathroom and walk downstairs, noticing Joe already ready and waiting on me.

"Well, well, well," he grins, a huge smile creeping onto his lips.

I roll my eyes, smiling nevertheless. "What's going on? Dinner?"

"Something like that," he nods slowly, licking his lips and holding his hand out. "Ready to go?"

I nod, taking his offered hand and following him to the car, allowing him to open the passenger door for me before climbing in and watching as he climbs in on the driver's side.

"Okay, babe, where are we going?" I ask, giving him a look ten minutes into our silent drive.

He chuckles, shaking his head. "No way, you don't get to know."

I roll my eyes. "You're so annoying."

"I'm sure I am," he smirks, glancing over at me again.

After waiting for what feels like an eternity, he parks in the parking lot of a restaurant, quickly coming around and opening the door for me again.

Okay, so it is dinner.

"Thank you," I tell him, taking his hand and letting him lead me into the restaurant.


The word comes from all directions, the restaurant full of the people who have become the biggest influence in life, from the Jonas family to Hope, Victoria, Stella, and Caroline.

Speechless, my hand automatically covers my mouth before I turn to Joe who pulls me to his side.

"You're awful," I mumble to him.

"You deserve this," he chuckles.

I shake my head, moving from him to greet those who came to, for some reason, celebrate my, starting with my parents who had emerged from the back of the room.

He is so gonna pay for this later.


hello hello friends!

thank you all for reading, I hope you enjoyed the chapter<3

all my love, 


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