The Jura-Forest Alliance

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I look around at the people in the room. Dryads, lizard people, Orcs and Rimuru's kingdom. The only people who will make eye contact with me are Gro, who's stood by my side and holding his spear tightly, and Yenko, her body curled around us protectively. I sigh and lower my head. I really am a piece of shit, huh? Couldn't keep my promise, and tried to kill someone just to lash out... Can I get them out of this? How can I save these two and the rest of the Orcs?

Rimuru clears his throat, standing in front of us and facing the Lizardmen. "So, I'm sure you have a lot of questions. And even more objections. But if I could just explain the situation..."

The King of the Lizardmen lifts his hand. "Don't worry about our feelings, King of the Jura Forest. We only seek to decide what is best for all races. Please, just tell us what you have in plan. After all, it was our race that broke the agreement, and allowed the situation to break into an all-out war," he says softly.

Rimuru seems taken aback by his cooperation. "Uh, r-right! Well, first of all, I don't plan to hold the orcs accountable for their crimes. Now, I know some of you will have some problems with that, but just hear me out."

The son of Geld, the Orc King stands up and interrupts. "Wait! My Lord, we can't accept that! All of the damage, the lives taken-"

"Let him finish," I say, my head still lowered and my face covered by my hair. The cave echoes with my voice. "Sit down." It's not a command, there's no malice in my voice, I speak calmly and don't move. But he freezes and sits down anyway.

Rimuru glances at me. "Thanks... Look, I know you all suffered from Gelmud's schemes, but this only happened because the Orcs were literally starving. There's no telling what any of you would have done in the same situation. So that's why I'm suggesting an alliance," he says. He gestures to the Orcs. "The Orcs will come to our capital, Tempest, and we'll take them in."

"You really think you can accommodate the entirety of my people?" Geld's son asks sceptically.

"No such thing as a free lunch. You'll all get jobs and work for your food and housing. You'll be equal to everyone else living there, and I'll make sure to protect your species from anyone who threatens our kingdom. But... you'll be part of us. You'll work, live and, if we ever need it, you'll fight with us. With us, not for us," he explains. He turns around to the Lizardman King. "Can you accept this? I know all of you lost... so much. But we all have."

The King closes his eyes and thinks. "I'd be lying if I said I didn't have any objections. But I can see your way of thinking." He opens his eyes. "We'll support this decision, but still. We can't leave this with nothing. I apologise for my son ruining the plans we made to form a peace treaty between our kingdoms, but if you are still interested, we'd be happy to continue with it." he says.

The leader of the Dryads, Treyni, puts her hand up. "The Dryads are interested in joining this alliance you speak of. For too long has the forest been divided, and we believe that if we were to unite, we could prevent a catastrophe like this from happening again," she says softly. "But what will the other races have to offer each other?"

Rimuru looks back to the group of orcs. "The orcs can contribute their labour. With so many of you, it'll be sure to speed things up at Tempest." Even after the war, there are still over 150,000 orcs left - the only consolation I have about this. "The Lizardmen will give us fish, the goblins can provide housing and our capitol will distribute processed goods," he explains. "If everyone contributes, we can all prosper together."

"There's just one problem..." Treyni says suddenly. She and everyone else turns to me, sat in the far corner, wrapped in Yenko's fur.

I put my hand up to wave awkwardly. "Yo. What are you all looking at?" I say defensively.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01 ⏰

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