The Birth of an Alpha

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I stand in the middle of the crowd, all eyes on me. The blue-haired child nervously puts a hand up. "Uhh, hi. I'm Rimuru, and these people here are my subordinates," he explains, smiling. I look over at the ogres. They look different. More human than they used to be, and their power has exploded. It's clear they're not the same monsters I saved back then. And for him to have them as his subordinates... this won't be easy. "So, he's Benimaru, that's Shion, Souei-"

I cut him off. "I don't care what their names are. I'm already familiar with your servants," I say coldly. This isn't why I'm here. These people aren't my friends.

"O-oh. Then maybe you guys are friends? Are you a survivor of the ogre village?" he asks hopefully.

I look at them and think about saving them in the village and fighting with their chief. Then I think about barely avoiding their attacks, which vaporised thousands of orcs. "No, not really. What are you here for? Revenge? You're here to kill the Orc Lord, right?" I just need to know what they're here for.

Rimuru puts his hand down. "Well, I wouldn't say that. Yes, the kijin are here to kill the Orc Lord, but I'm just here to protect my home. Also, I made a promise with the Dryads to do this. So it's kinda like a story quest in a game. Can't really ignore it. But, um, if you want revenge, you're welcome to join us and take him down. I think we have this fight pretty much in the bag, after all," he chuckles nervously. So they just want to kill him. Then this should be easier than expected. Also, they're kijins now? That's interesting

Suddenly, someone in a white suit and hat, wearing a plague doctor mask and holding a cane teleports in front of us. Uhhhh... okay. "No, no, no!" he shouts angrily. For some reason, his voice reminds me of a child throwing a tantrum. "This isn't how this is supposed to go! What are you doing here?" he hisses at me.

A reptilian person picks themselves off the floor. When did he get here? this is getting out of hand. "Lord Gelmud!" Ugh, his voice is even more annoying. "Have you come to help us?! Thank you, sir!"

"Shut up, you snivelling insect!" Gelmud snarls. The lizard is speechless. "Why don't you just let yourself get eaten by the Orc Lord? That's the only way you'll ever be of any use anyway! If you get eaten, your powers will be absorbed and you'll die knowing that you served any kind of purpose in your worthless life! Why do you think I went around giving all you disgusting things names? So that Geld can eat you and finally become a Demon Lord!" he spits. He lifts his cane and charges pink balls of magic. "Just die and become fodder for the Orc King!" Well, I'm definitely not stepping in.

"S-sir Gelmud!" he cries as Gelmud fires his attack. A group of other lizards run in front of him and get hit. When the smoke clears, they are lying on the ground, unconscious. He looks down at them, shocked. "No! How could you do such a thing, Lord Gelmud?!" he screams. Wow, really? For him?

"Ugh, so annoying..." Then he wheels around and looks at me. "And why are you even here?! Yes, I am aware that you were aiding them before, and you've been travelling with their army, but why are you here, now? If you want to help them take down the Orc Lord, don't bother! Geld already has this fight, especially with me assisting him. Unless... you're here to help?" The kijins hold their weapons up, ready to fight me.

I look back at Geld. He hasn't moved this entire time. "No, I'm not here to help you," I say, but Gelmud cuts me off before I can say anything else.

"Then I guess I don't need you!" he cries, lifting up his staff.


"Don't try to talk your way out of this one!" the purple-haired one shouts angrily. "Clearly, you've already chosen your side!" She lifts up her huge sword, preparing for an attack. I sigh and slowly walk towards the Orc Lord, then turn around and face them.

That Time I Got Reincarnated as a KijinWhere stories live. Discover now