If Only I...

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Fire. Fire everywhere. It's eating away at the walls, at my family's possessions, at the beam of wood trapping me. And if I don't get out of here, it'll eat me too.

I was an ordinary teenager, mostly. I had good grades, I slacked off a lot but got by on my talent. Was never very popular, which didn't bother me. When I got in trouble I tried to lie my way out of it, and it almost never worked. I dyed my hair purple, got in fights, was mean and rude to my little sister, got diagnosed with autism, became introverted, then made some friends and spent more time outside.

Then I came home one day with my house gone up in flames. My parents, being held back from trying to run back in. I looked at the people holding my Dad back, telling them both that it's too late. That they'd never make it out in time. I looked around to see what they were trying to get in the house for. My sister... where's Ellie?

Then I heard a cry for help inside the house.

There was no one to hold me back from running in there.

So that's how I got myself stuck here. I ran in with delusions of heroism and got myself probably killed saving her. I don't even know if she made it out, just that she made it further out than me. Maybe I shouldn't have gone in in the first place...

I can feel the heat burning my face and the smoke suffocating me. While we were running out, a flaming beam of wood fell from above and pinned me down. Ellie didn't realise what had happened and kept on running ahead of me. It's a good thing she did, because the hall is now completely on fire, blocking my way out even if I did get this off of me.

Dammit... if only I'd gotten here sooner, I could've helped! I put my hand over my face to keep the heat away. It's too hot, it burns!

Request confirmed. Acquisition of the skill Heat Resistance is successful.

I would've extinguished the flame before it got out of hand. If only I could've put the flame out.

Request confirmed. Acquisition of the skill Fire Suppression is successful. Attainment of both Heat resistance and Fire Suppression has resulted in a new skill: Fire Manipulation.

I try to push the huge piece of wood off of me. It hurts! The heat of it burns my hands and the weight of it is crushing my legs. I was too slow to get out of the way and now I'm too weak to lift it.

Request confirmed. Acquisition of the skill Pain Nullification is successful. Continuing.
Thought Acceleration acquisition is successful.
Strengthen Body acquisition is successful.

Finally giving up on it, I try the pull myself out by dragging myself across the floor. This is usually the time where the main character unlocks some hidden power to let the escape. Come on, hidden power! Fly, teleport, phase! Do something!

Request confirmed. Acquisition of the extra skills Flight, Phase and Spacial Movement are successful.
Attainment of the extra skills Flight, Phase and Spacial Movement has resulted in the acquisition of the ultimate skill: Hyper Movement.

If only I could get some water to put out the fire. Right now that would be a pretty handy power to have.

Request confirmed. Acquisition of the extra skill Water Manipulation has been confirmed.

But that just won't happen, will it? I stop trying to escape and lie down. Forget it. I'll never escape this place. Because life isn't an anime. Bad things happen, like houses burning down and people getting trapped inside and dying. Not all people are born equal. If only I hadn't died here, oh man, I would've gotten so much better! Over time, I would've gotten bigger and stronger as I grew up.

Request confirmed. Acquisition of the unique skill Growth is successful.

If only this didn't happen. If I could get a second chance, I'd live life to the fullest. I'd get in shape, study properly and take responsibility. And oh boy, I'd eat all the good food I could. I cough out a laugh at the thought. The smoke is starting to make my lungs burn. Yeah, I'd eat everything in sight...

Request confirmed. Acquisition of the unique skill Consume is successful.

I really hope she got out. If only I could see through the smoke and fire. If only I could hear her. If only I had been faster getting her out. If only I had been here...

Well, if only I'd never left the house in the first place. If only we never lived here. If only I'd never been born. If only the Earth had never been formed. If only the Big Bang had been a degree hotter or colder. Maybe I should stop thinking about how this is all my fault. It's not exactly the best mindset to die in.

The smoke has filled too much of the house now. Even down here on the floor, it's suffocating me. My lungs are filling with nothing but smoke. Coughing just makes me inhale more and I cough more. It's all burning, my head is burning.

When I was little, I read a book. It had a wizard called Gandalf in it. He was so cool and strong. If I'd lived, I would've become a better wizard than him. Like a master wizard. No, even greater than that. A Grandmaster Wizard... yeah. That sounds about right.

Request confirmed. Acquisition of the unique skill Grandmaster is successful.

Please live, Ellie. For my sake, live.

Creating a body that is strong enough to possess all acquired skills.
Most similar race to current race which can hold all acquired skills: Kijin.
Race which can best optimise all acquired skills: Kijin.
Optimal race to be reincarnated as: Kijin.

That Time I Got Reincarnated as a KijinWhere stories live. Discover now