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Months went by and you and Izuku were closer than you guys were ever before. You would always hangout after school to go see your mom's or just hang out at the dorm. And your feelings for the boy grew more each day.

"Are you okay bruises?" You all were hanging out in the common room, Bakugou noticed that you have been spacing out a lot recently.

"Huh? Oh yeah I'm fine" you told him

"Tch yeah right." He said while rolling his eyes

"I guess I haven't been feeling well the last couple of days." You told him. He didn't say anything after that, he and everyone else around him noticed how you have been avoiding the green haired boy, every time  he would come around you, you would quickly walk away from him leaving the boy confused.

Izuku was more bold and confident now, much more bigger as well- every time he stood next you, it felt like he was towering over you. You were small next to him. Tho he was still shy at times but not as much as he used to be.

"Okay everyone I have an announcement!" Mina said getting all of our attention. "Since graduation is right around the corner, the girls and I decided for the class to have a picnic tomorrow afternoon!" Everyone in the class cheered except you. You can feel someone's gaze, but as you looked around the room you didn't see anyone looking at you. "Okay okay everyone, we need volunteers to make the food and get drinks and all that." The girl said and Iida and Momo were the first people to raise their hands, and some other of our classmates "okay tomorrow at 4 then! And remember to dress nice since we'll be taking pictures" the girl told us, and my classmates agreed

You weren't planning on going, you were thinking of just staying at the dorms for tomorrow and you don't have anything ice to wear as well. You were lost in thought til you felt like someone was looking at you, you looked around to find no one again. It was starting to creep you out so you went to Uraraka to just talk to her. "Hey y/n! Are you excited for tomorrow?" She asked you

"Uhh sure?" You scratched your head "sorry I-" you stopped talking when you felt a presence behind you, you quickly turned around to find the green haired boy. "Oh Izuku how are you?"

The boy smiled gently at you, "I'm doing great thank you. Hey, sorry I couldn't help but hear that you haven't been feeling well lately is there anything I can help you with?"

"Uh no I'll be fine t-thank you tho" Uraraka smirked at the interaction that was happening infront of her. She knew that Izuku had feelings for you, hell, everyone knew except you. Izuku was very honest with his classmates, and he asked for help to ask you out or if anyone knew if you still had feelings for him, but no one knew. Not even Bakugou. That's when mina and the girls told him that they'll make a picnic and he can go confess to you at the park.

"Well,,, if you need anything I'm right here" he said while grabbing your shoulder

"Thank you Izuku"


It was now the day of the picnic and everyone was getting ready, most of them already left to the park, but here you were in your dorm while leaving on your bed with sweats and an oversized shirt. That's when you heard someone knock on your door. "Come in!" You yelled, too lazy to stand up

You didn't expect for the person to be Izuku. He was wearing Khakis and a light green button up shirt. You can see he gotten a haircut because he has an undercut now. You immediately sat up on your bed.

"Y/n?? Why aren't you getting ready?" He asked

"For the picnic? Oh I'm not going." He freaked out when you said that,this isn't part of the plan... how am I supposed to confess to you? He thought

"W-why not?"

"Well I don't like how I look in dresses." You told him causing a giggle to leave his mouth

"Come on it'll be fun!" He said, he had these puppy dog eyes that you couldn't say no to

"Fine fine, stop looking at me like that!" You got up to go to your closest, you picked out a white dress, with pink and green flower prints on it. "Stay here." You told him while grabbing your make up bag and comb while heading toward  the bathroom.

As soon as you came out, Izuku's face turned light pink, your hair was a little wavy, your dress looked beautiful on you, and your make up was just right. " do I look?" You said while giving yourself a little twirl

"Y-you look stunning y/n..." he said while getting closer to you. You can feel your ears turning red

"W-well let's go!" You said while grabbing his hand leaving the dorms.

Everything was going great, the food was amazing and you were having a great time with your classmates. You were currently talking to Kirishima when you heard Izuku say your name, you turned your head since he was next you and he was holding a piece of cake

"Y/n try this it's delicious" he said holding the spoon, you tried grabbing it from him but he moved his hand away, "say ahhhh" you opened your mouth while he spoon fed you.

"It's good thank you" you said a little confused cause Izuku has never that before. You looked up to find everyone's eyes on you and him, some had excitement and some looked like they were about to tease you any second. You looked up at the green haired boy to find him smirking down at you, causing you to look away kinda fast. "I-uh I'm going for a little walk my stomach is kinda hurting!" You said while getting up and quickly walking away.

You heard Izuku call out your name and walk next to you "I-I'll walk with you! If you don't mind..."

"Okay.." you can feel your face turning a little red.

You both walked into a field of flowers, there were kids taking pictures and couples holding hands.

"I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable" the boy said.

"You didn't." You quickly told him back

"Y/n I'm sorry for all the times I've hurt you, I was so stupid back then and I'm now realizing how much I deeply love you." You looked at him shocked, "if you would allow me to be yours I promise to always look out for you" he had tears falling from his eyes. "You don't have to keep protecting me anymore, it's my turn to protect you" he whispered

You gently grabbed his hand "I would love that Izuku" he smiled softly at you, and hugged you tightly "and I love you too..." you told him, he broke the hug and stared at you with a lot of adoration. He gave you a kiss, it was a fast kiss but you can feel the passion in it. You quickly broke the kiss realizing there were kids next to you guys. You both giggled and he lifted you up, twirling you around.

You both walked back to where your classmates were at hand in hand. They all stared at you with happiness "about time!" Bakugou said and everyone agreed

You smiled at them and you can feel Izuku's gaze back at you, you turned to look at him as well and he gave you a quick kiss on the cheek "It's my turn to protect you my beauty" he whispered to you, as you both looked at eachother with so much love.

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