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After Izuku took a shower he eventually fell asleep in the common room.

He woke up hours later surrounded by his classmates, "oh you're awake!" Mina said catching everyone's attention. Izuku looked around the room trying to find you.

"She's not here." Bakugou said, catching the green haired boy off guard


"Y/n is not here at the moment. Her mom took her to the hospital after what happened, she wasn't supposed to leave but she found a way to sneak past her mom and the security guards." The blonde said.

Izuku scratched his neck in embarrassment, "I was just wondering after she..." he couldn't finish his sentence but Kirishima spoke up

"Her mom said she's doing fine. After she was attacked by that villain she was rushed to the hospital, she has a huge hole close to her heart, the docs said she wasn't alive for four minutes...her mom said it's a miracle she even woke up." Kirishima explained

"I'm surprised her infinity quirk didn't stop the blow."

"She didn't turn it on, her head was all over the place so that probably explains it" Bakugou said "if you want to talk to her she'll probably be discharged tomorrow or in two days. We're not for sure exactly but her mom is allowing her to come to the dorms with the approval of her doctors."


A couple hours later everyone was still in the common room with Midoriya, just talking or playing bored games. "Say Izuku, what kept you going?" Denki asked him

It was quiet for a moment before he took a wrinkled up note out of his pocket, "I would say this letter a anonymous person gave me they said that they believe I will be a great hero some day." He showed everyone the note, and everyone read it

"Midoriya this is a love letter!" Mina said with excitement

"Yeah..." he said trying to secretly look at Uraraka's reaction maybe she'll say it's her he thought but she looked just as confused and was suggestion people. "I at first thought it was someone I knew but now I'm not too sure...." The boy confessed

"Tch this person is too obvious" Bakugou said out of no where catching everyone's attention

"W-wait Kaachan you know who this is?" Izuku asked

"Of course I know who this is!!!" He yelled out loud

" can you tell me who it is?!"

"I can't..... at least not right now" he said eyeing everyone in the room, causing most of the kids to whine wanting to know who Izuku's secret admirer was.

It was soon night time and everyone was getting ready for bed. Katsuki walked Deku to his dorm til the blonde spoke up. "It's y/n."

"What?" Izuku asked, who was about to enter his dorm

"Y/n wrote you that love letter."

"B-but that's impossible she hates me!"

"I can't believe you're so dense Dek- Izuku! Y/n has liked you since we were kids, that's probably why she stood up for you when you were getting bullied. I'm pretty sure our parents know including your mother." Izuku stood there shocked not knowing what to say. "Well goodnight we'll talk tomorrow" Katsuki said before heading towards his dorm.

The following day y/n came back to UA getting greeted by her classmates, she thanked them with a poker face not liking all the attention she was getting. She eventually made eye contact with Izuku, causing both of them to quickly look away. "Sorry guys it's been a long night, I'm just going to head to sleep now" you told them before walking away.

As she was about to enter her room she heard Izuku call out her name, she turned around still with a poker face. "I want to apologize about my behavior at the school dance I was way out of line and I want to thank you for convincing the civilians to let me stay! And for taking the blow, it should've been me who-" He said a little loud of her liking.

"Is that all?" You asked a little annoyed cutting the boy off

A small pout can be seen on Izuku's face his eyes starting to get a little teary aswell. "...are you still angry at me?"

"Angry??? Listen Midoriya I'm upset at you!" He flinched when he heard you call him by his surname. "I'm upset about how you disrespected my father, I'm upset that you left UA, I'm upset because you left everyone notes but me. I'm upset that you told everyone that you were AllMights successor but me. I'm upset that you think that Uraraka wrote you that note when-"

"When it was you all along." He finished the sentence for you, catching  you off guard.

"Y-yeah but I'm more upset that you didn't tell me you were AllMights successor..." you said blushing. The sleepiness has long left your body. "It made me feel that you didn't care about me, at all. It felt like everyone knew what was going on but me." You told him "but I am the one thing in life I can control. I am an original. I'm not falling behind or running late."

You looked around the hallway, you can hear everyone's laughter not too far. "I was scared for you once I heard you left. You just don't stop Midoriya, you care too much and someday that's going to get you killed. You have nothing to lose. I always wondered what is it like in your shoes? You don't hesitate, you exhibits no restraint, you take and you take and you take. And you keep winning anyway. You're always changing the game. You made me feel like a fool Midoriya." You told him


"And please forget the letter that I wrote you, it doesn't matter anymore" you told him while looking at the ground.

"Y/n I always want you to be honest with me." He said trying to hold your hand only to bounce off mid air. You had your infinity on, causing the boy to frown even more. He was about to leave til he heard you speak up

"I wanted you to see me, but for so long you were blind  and now I'm trying to face tomorrow and leave all that love stuff behind." You were still looking at the ground trying to avoid eye contact with the boy in front of you. "But what would our lives have been like if you just given me a sign, cause I liked you more than every other thing I like combined....." you were now staring at him " I spent so many years hoping something would begin, and I thought that I was over you but here I am again....." you couldn't handle it anymore "I have to go, take care." You quickly said before slamming the door on the boys face. He wanted to talk to even more but he knew you needed space so he left to the common room where he spotted Bakugou. He eventually walked over to the boy.

"I'm guessing you confronted her" the blond told him

"..yeah and she basically confessed that she still has feelings for me but I don't think she meant it cause she ran to her dorm" he said

"Tch you're so stupid! Of course she still likes you!"

"It's just... I can't believe that all this time she never said a word....although it's possible she did, and I just never heard." He looked at the wrinkled up paper in his hand.  "I never even noticed I guess I wasn't that alert. And now our endless war is coming to an end, I tried to make the most of everyday in UA but not the years just seem misspent" he sighed "we might have been something Kaachan,.. I could've been her boyfriend, I would've held the door for her, I would've held her hair back when she was sick..."

"How would that work when you always had your eyes on Uraraka?" Bakugou asked pointing the obvious "she didn't mean to hurt your feelings, it's obvious that your happiness was more important than hers." Both of the guys saw you walk in the common room chatting with Kirishima immediately.

In the corner of your eye you saw Kaachan chatting with Midoriya, you wanted to ignore the boy but you can feel his gaze, so you stared back with your normal poker face. We could've been together, all you had to say was when. And though I wanted so much more I guess you'll always be my friend...what might've been. You both thought at the same time before you eventually looked away returning your attention to Kirishima.

"Listen Izuku if you give her time I'm sure you guys would go back to normal just how you used to be. But it's up to her not you" the blond told him

"Yeah I'll win her back" izuku said while putting the love letter back in his pocket.

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