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A year went by with Midoriya ignoring you, you were slowly starting to forget about him, even tho you see him everywhere and hear his voice every time you pass by, the boy you used to love was no longer at your reach.

"Remember kids the school dance will be held this Friday, I'm going to be there as well as some other teachers to keep you guys out of trouble. Please wear something formal." Once he finished he left the room leaving us by yourselves. My classmates started to talk among themselves about what they were going to wear.

Once school ended everyone started to head to the common room or their dorms, I decided to put my stuff away at my dorm and head to go see my mom and dad.

"Oh l/n, where are you headed?" Everyone turned to look at Todoroki and I

"Ah I'm going to go visit my mom and dad" I told him

"I see. Well, the rest of us are going to head to the mall to look for some suits and dresses if you come back early, we'll be there." He said back

"Thank you Todoroki, I'll see you around then" I said before walking away to my parents house.

"What do you mean you're not going to the school dance!" my mom yelled a little too loud for my liking

"I just don't see any point of going" I told her honestly

My dad suddenly jumped in, "come on y/n I'm sure you'll have lots of fun with your other classmates, orrrr maybe you'll get to dance with a special someone" he said while smirking at me and moving his eyebrows up and down

I rolled my eyes at him, "yeah right dad, it's in a couple days and I don't even have a dress"

"Fine we'll go help you find one!" My mom said while grabbing my arm and heading towards the front door

"W-wait! I don't want to head to the mall!"

"That's okay darling we know a place that has lots of dresses that isn't anywhere near the mall" my father said while smiling at me

"I can clearly see that I'm not going to be able to change your mind so go ahead!" I told them while groaning

"Oh honey that dress looks amazing on you!" Your mom and dad said at the same time, causing your face to turn red

"I-I'm not sure"

"Nonsense this dress is the one!" Your dad said while hugging you

"Thank you pops" I said while hugging him.

It was now Friday night and you were taking your precious time getting ready, not wanting to be one of the first people to arrive at the dance. You stared at yourself in mirror, you looked different 'I wonder what Izu- wait what the hell am I thinking?'

You slapped yourself, hating yourself for thinking about the boy

"Can we finally see you?" I heard my mom yell from downstairs. I took a deep breath before heading downstairs. "Honey...you look beautiful" my mom smiled at me with tears in her eyes

"You think so?" I said while smiling at her

"You really do darling" my dad chimed in "but it feels like you're missing something..." he said pretending to think "oh I know!" He pulled a bracelet out of his pocket, the one he made me when I was in middle school that said 'la princesa' which translates to the princess since my dad's hero name is El Rey.

"Dad..... I thought I lost that bracelet last year!" I said with tears in my eyes.

"I found it a couple days ago" he said while putting it on my hand and kissing my forehead.

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