
Start from the beginning

"Loki Laufeyson, but I'm guessing you already know that." Loki says awkwardly, a bit embarrassed since he was practically half naked in front of an admittedly gorgeous man.

"Do you have any ideas on how to get out of this shithole?" Stephen asks.

"I have a bad one." Loki says, looking over at the stage where GrandMaster stood in front of a microphone.

"Testing, testing. 1, 2, 3. Can you all hear me out there, Saakarians?" GrandMaster says, standing on a stage with a something behind him covered by a sheet. "Very good. Now! For our main event, I have something very special for you. A muscle bound gladiator who just landed on our groovy little paradise not too long ago. I would like to introduce you to the mystical, the mysterious, the awe inspiring Lord! Of! THUNDER!"
With a great flourish, the sheet was pulled away to reveal a large cage. Inside was sat Thor, dressed in nothing but a loin cloth wrapped around his hips to hide the Odin family jewels.
"Now, do I have an opening bid?"

"100,000 units!" Loki blurted out, and Stephen stared at him in shock.

"What are you doing?" Strange says sternly.

"Getting us a weapon so we can get out of here." Loki responds.

"Sold, to Loki Laufeyson, or as I like to call him, my pretty little pussycat." GrandMaster says, and all of the other patrons glared at Loki with a scowl. Of course they did, Loki was his favorite.

"Do you have that kind of money?" Stephen asks.

"No, but I might be able to persuade him." Loki says softly.

"How?" Stephen says, dumfounded. Loki couldn't help the mischievous smirk that crept onto his face.

"I have my ways." Loki says coyly.


Loki's little plan worked, even though he ended up having to let The GrandMaster fuck him doggy style in his private chambers.

Once that wrinkly old bastard had fallen asleep, Loki snuck off to his own room, where he'd told Stephen to meet him. Loki had swiped the codes to Grandmaster's security system, and was going to share them with Strange, who had a photographic memory.
When Loki returned to the apartment, he was unaware of the bruise on his neck from where GrandMaster had strangled him with a belt during their session.

"What did he do to you?" Strange says sternly upon seeing the bruising. "He strangled you?!"

"It was nothing. He's kinky is all, he likes strangling me with a belt while we fuck. Believe me, there's worse out there." Loki says softly, trying to make it seem better than it was.

"You deserve more than that." Stephen says, taking Loki's face in his ever-trembling hands. "Do you understand me, Loki?"

Loki's heart skipped a beat. Their name sounded so lovely falling from Stephen's lips.

"I've never had better." Loki admits.

"I can show you what it looks like." Stephen says, leaning in closer. Their lips came together, and Loki sighed contentedly, pulling him tight against her. Fingers tangled into Loki's hair and gently tugged as Stephen's lips went to Loki's neck.

"Stephen." Loki gasped, his head tossed back in pleasure as Stephen sucked at that spot on his neck. "Please, don't make me beg."

"Oh, believe me, I plan to make you beg for me." Stephen says before pushing Loki onto the bed.


A few days later, Loki, Thor, Stephen, and a recently un-Hulked Bruce were able to convince Valkyrie to help them escape this shithole planet.

The plan was simple enough: Use the stolen security codes to get past the security systems, steal The Ark, and then fly it through a wormhole that Valkyrie had dubbed 'The Devil's Anus'. And it worked, they got the hell out of there and got back to Asgard, only to have to let Ragnarok take it's course in order to destroy Asgard with Hela still on it.

As Loki laid curled up in his bed aboard The Ark, he sensed Stephen slipping into his room. Loki smiled as he felt those familiar comforting arms wrap around his waist.

"Good evening, your Majesty." Stephen whispers in Loki's ear, and the god couldn't help but chuckle softly.

"Good evening, doctor." Loki says softly, rolling over to face him. Green-blue eyes met his, and suddenly he felt an indescribable happiness he'd never felt before.
"I love you." Loki whispers, leaning his forehead against Stephens'. It was the first time he'd ever said that.

"I love you too, Loki." Stephen says, playing with Loki's soft raven hair. "In every universe."

Marvel Oneshots By KieraWhere stories live. Discover now