Catch Oripathy young and be treated like scum? 

Her past would catch up to her one day, and if she had a child with her, What then...

She needed Farsight to hold her and tell her everything was okay, that he had a plan. In Texas's mind, nothing else would do, but Farsight was not here. He had not contacted her or, in her currently, emotionally panicked state, made any effort to meet her again.

Texas started hyperventilating and did only what her instincts told her to do. 


"M-miss Texas!?" Sussurro was caught off guard when the Lupo rushed forward and pushed her out the way and out of the room without so much as a word, the poor Vulpo falling to the floor with an "Oof!"

"Miss Texas! Wait!" Sussurro shouted as she scrambled up from the floor and followed Texas out of the room but found the medical wing empty. Texas was fast!

Sussurro ceased attempting to chase Texas when she realised the Lupo was far from the medical wing. The Sussurro decided to sit on an available chair in the hallway and wring her hands nervously. 

Sussurro was conflicted. What was she supposed to do? It was evident that Texas didn't want anyone to know, but that look she gave before running was not someone calm and relaxed, far from it! 

She had to tell someone Texas was vulnerable, as she was a medical operator; it was her duty to inform someone that Miss Texas was possibly in danger and confused. 

Sussurro stood up with conviction, raced out of the Medical wing, and looked for Dr Silence. 


"Okaaay?" Exusiai cursed in her mind at Texas for leaving her in this room. 

What was Kal'tsit's problem!? 

"So I think you should be honest with me, yes?" Kal'tsit stared coldly at the increasingly annoyed Exusiai. 

Everyone else in this 'meeting' sat there awkwardly, watching the back and forth between the Sankta and Lynx. 

"What Texas does in her spare time is not my business; as Texas said, it is not yours either!" Exusiai strained to smile at Kal'tsit, but everyone in the room could see that the hyperactive Sankta was starting to get pissed off. 

Exusiai took a deep breath and exhaled, putting her elbows on the table before her and clasping her hands together as if to pray. She turned her head slightly and smiled at Kal'tsit, one of her eyes hidden behind her fringe and hands. 

It looks like even the pie-loving angel can be pushed too far

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It looks like even the pie-loving angel can be pushed too far. Her wings and halo had dimmed considerably, and the once beautiful smile started straightening. 

"But you do know something...?" Kal'tsit pressed.

Exusiai chuckled behind her clasped hands. "Maybe I do, but then again, Maybe I don't. Heh, All I know is that Farsight visited us because he was looking for someone and decided to stay and catch up... I don't see anything wrong with that."

Ex-Doctor Of Rhodes IslandWhere stories live. Discover now