A Step Back

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"It was a gamble... this fight is unpredictable... and the world is a big place but..." a voice from behind Amelia would say, as two blades would pierce from Amelia's back to her chest, "luckily she wasn't too far away... my own swap, that is..." a far less injured Kronii would say, holding her two daggers once again. "D-Damn you...!!" Amelia screams before running Polaris through her body at 90%. Kronii's daggers melt as Kronii hops back with dilation, she opens her hands and two more daggers appear and she catches them out of the air. "What the hell did you do...!?" Amelia asks with a growl, "I took the ability you crafted and made it my own.. expanding upon it as well.. earlier I activated it and split out 5 different timelines to swap from, and just now I erased those and made 5 new ones.." Kronii lifts her daggers, "that's where these came from...". Amelia is stunned, she looks at her damaged left arm, "this isn't looking good... Iris... do we have access to Roboco's spare parts...?" She asks, "no, even if we did, your arms were significantly more advanced, same story with your body, her arms wouldn't be compatible." Iris replies still looking for any string they can grasp. "Then... I'll just have to make use of my legs!!" Amelia bursts forward with a kick left legged kick, shifting her body to position her right side downward, 25% Polaris infused, "with my stamina returned and easily recoverable... I can match this.." Kronii responds with a dodge to the right using Dilation, but Amelia cancels it out with anti dilation, then she uses thrusters to turn herself and punish Kronii's failed dodge with a clothesline, striking and nearly crushing Kronii's jaw. Not done yet, Amelia unleashes full power thrusters to cancel her kick's momentum, so that she can continue her attack, it stalls her a little so Kronii is just able to recover in time to block a weak punch from Amelia's left. Amelia doesn't relent and strikes with the same punch a few times before using thrusters to lift herself into the air, raising her right leg for a downward axe kick, using thrusters again paired with 30% polaris, the kick comes down far exceeding the speed of sound. Bolts of electricity fill the small gap between Amelia's foot and Kronii's face, as Kronii perfectly dodges the kick and jumps back to avoid the impact. Amelia gets up and begins to fire a Gatling gun from her left and right shoulder. Kronii uses dilation and her daggers to deflect the bullets before Amelia fires a laser from her right eye, Kronii preemptively dodges to the left to avoid the laser but Amelia also so that and fired another from her left eye as well, Kronii sees this as well and ducks which again Amelia sees and counters by aiming her guns below. This loop goes on until the two decide to not do any of the events they saw and instead charge towards each other. Amelia twirls out an arching kick with her right which she spins into after Kronii's dodge, then she lands on the same foot and donkey kicks Kronii's stomach with her left foot, firing shots from a gun on the foot as well, the shots riddle Kronii's stomach though they're smaller bullets so the damage isn't severe. Amelia prepares to follow up with a chase but Kronii rewinds herself right below Amelia, and unleashes a mean uppercut, following up with a stab with her blades at Amelia's stomach. "...i can't find her vitals... I hit her chest, back, and her stomach.. where else is left..?" Kronii analyzes before Amelia grabs her by the right arm, Kronii responds by using Erasure, Amelia can move freely for a moment before she suddenly blinks back a few steps and Kronii is positioned with a kick that seeks Amelia's right eye, but Amelia is able to use her own erasure. Amelia tries to position for an attack but Kronii doesn't allow her the opportunity by moving and following her, and eventually Amelia's Erasure expires and Kronii immediately tries to stab Amelia's eyes. "N-No you don't..!" Amelia shouts before charging lasers from her eyes, "wait! Don't be rash, Amelia!" Iris cries, but Amelia fires away, causing Kronii the need to use dilation to evade. Kronii sits atop a small hill crouched looking down to Amelia, who is now taking a knee. "Your energy reserves are low, you only have an additional 10% to rely on, your primary energy is still at full capacity, but it'll go quick you have to be more careful, the ocular lasers take a lot of energy to fire, even more than Polaris!" Iris warns if you use it again, you'll only be left with 60% power remaining in your entire body which will only be enough for 100% Polaris to be distributed through your body for 12 seconds. It is not advised to use it again!" Iris advises. "Damn it..!" Amelia slams her fist into the ground, "she baited it out! She won't get that lucky agai-" she's cut off as she puts up a guard which blocks Kronii's sudden appearance to her left with a kick from her right leg, "...her timestop...! It's longer...!?" Amelia shouts as she's blown away by the kick, she gets to her feet and rebounds with the remaining thrusters she has, she extends her legs to deliver a drop kick. Kronii guards in time but still gets her arms crushed, Amelia follows up with an axe kick to put her onto the floor, After that she repeatedly kicks down at Kronii to dig her further into the ground as rock flies out of the hole being created, getting deeper and deeper. "Shit..! Does she intend to dig me to the core..? No... she knows that wouldn't kill me... unless... she doesn't intend to do that does she...? I can easily evade it... in a ton of ways... wait...! this isn't looking good..." Kronii thinks to herself before Amelia unleashes one final kick and soars out of the now several kilometers deep hole. She soars above the clouds and into the stratosphere, where she comes to a stop and an aura of multicolored light encompasses her and clears the dust in the sky. Kronii struggles to even get to her feet in the deep narrow hole, much less climb out. "Iris!! All the power i have left into the thrusters with polaris!!" Amelia demands, "...this must've been how Polaris was intended to be used... well lets see what it can do...!" Amelia let's out one more roar before bursting down to the Earth. Kronii looks around her dark surroundings and notices the air feels different "Methane..!?". Amelia is nearly there when the methane ignites and a beam of flames expel from the hole. "What!?", Amelia splits the beam and only a second from entering the pit, she sees Kronii, and the world around her goes blank as Kronii's erasure is activated. The two maintain eye contact, Amelia with anger, and Kronii with focus, as their faces align, and Kronii phases through Amelia. Kronii looks down to the earth in a bit of relief as she braces for the possible effects of Amelias charge. "Where are you looking, Kronii!?" Kronii hears a voice call from behind, Kronii looks up to see Amelia charging toward her at full force, Kronii is able to stop her for only a moment before her guard gives and Amelia's charge takes it's effect, she blows through Kronii's left shoulder and soars down into the pit, widening it all the way up to the surface of the nowhere near recognizable Earth which has now been knocked out of its orbit.

Lava cools and the surface of the earth freezes over. Amelia floats out of the crater, landing on the edge of it, and She drops to a knee. "Warning, your remaining power is beneath 20%, this message is automated as a true use of the A.I. Iris would drain power, not by any dangerous amount but if this message plays, chances are you need as much as you can get, good luck, Amelia Watson." A recording warns. Amelia's final remaining arm is gone and her legs are in the state that it was in before destruction. "Damn it... I haven't been teleported back to the Valhalla arena... I can't heat myself forever... the temperatures i'd need would be too high to produce for long... where is she..." Amelia looks around and spots Kronii, who floats down using anti dilation on her daggers to slow their fall, which she stands on. Her left shoulder disintegrated along with her arm. "Looks like I knocked us out of its obrit... so, it seems I'm going to lose to my lack of energy... I brought this upon myself... but I'd like to ask you... shall we return to the arena... and finish this...?" Amelia asks, standing upright. Kronii catches her breath before looking around, she too stands upright, "so be it.".

"What!? She agreed!? All she had to do was stall Amelia out and the victory would've been hers!" Laplus shouts not amused, "Is she getting too cocky!?". Baelz looks to Laplus, "foolish or not, it her pride. As it stands now Kronii is taking herself into consideration, 'Amelia got her clocks because I was too weak', 'Humanity turned out this way because we failed as gods to guide them', she wouldn't accept a victory that was only taken because of her opponents mistake, she sees no victory in that." Baelz explains just as both Amelia and Kronii return to the arena.

"Well... I hope you don't regret this..." Amelia says before she vanishes and reappears in the same location, renewed and returned to her human self, her final swap. Kronii looks at her missing left arm, thinks of her caved in right eye, and feels the jagged shards of debris piercing her feet. "I won't regret a thing." She says readying herself.

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