Darkened Skies

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A low rumble and the sound of high winds encompass the globe, the day is as black as night, lava and fire remain as the only source light.
Roboco punches a large rock off of her and pulls herself up to the surface. She looks to her right and sparks fly out of her shoulder. "Tch... I guess I'm not surprised..." she says to herself, "Iris, status report.". Roboco scans the area, "Well other than that jacket, nothing else of yours has been damaged, beside that arm but you can see that. Even your hair is as beautiful as it was when the battle began." Iris explains, "So zero internal damages, great."

"W-Where's Fauna at!? Why's the spectator only focused on Roboco!?" Kronii asks, "And even if she's out, shouldn't she have reincarnated by now!?" She shouts at Omega. Sana and Baelz continue to stare into the arena while Omega and Laplus just look down to the floor, "During the fight with Laplus All those centuries ago, there was a small moment, her and Laplus were alone...". Laplus looks down and grunts, Omega continues, "Fauna already reincarnated once then... if she dies here, she can't reincarnate again.". The reality of the situation sets in with the council and Kronii just looks back into the ring in silence. Mumei stares quietly gripping the railing. "So is it over?" Watson asks, Moona glances, "there's no way to be sure, but if she doesn't reappear soon... it's over."

Roboco walks around the Lava wasteland and hears a small rock from behind her fall, she turns around and points her remaining arm at where she heard the sound, pointing the Gatling gun. The pebble begins to seemingly jump around on the floor it turns into a beetle and flies at Roboco but fades back into stone as it falls to the ground. From either side of Roboco branches extend but crumble away before reaching Roboco as well. "Hm, so she lives!!" She shouts. Fauna extends her hand from a small crevasse and pulls herself up, she holds herself up struggling to fully get over. "Tch, you're pathetic, and you call yourself a god, act all high and mighty judging humanity when your negatives are worse than ours." Roboco rambles, "don't talk down to me you rusty can of nails... I judge humanity on its flaws that far outweigh its positives..." Fauna replies, " 'it's' i don't like that word to refer to us as, we are as alive as the birds or deer or fish you love oh so much, the sharks and tigers and snakes eat the weaker or even each other and what do you do? Call it 'beauty'!?" Roboco shouts. Fauna pulls herself up and reveals half of her entire torso to be blown off. "Woahohoho!! I hit you in the face! How the hell did that happen?!" Roboco asks in shock, "I'm able to redirect damage done to me to a separate part of my body... useless for any other scenario..." Fauna explains, "nevermind that... You humans destroy everything in your wake, destroying nature despite having many solutions, polluting the skies and water, killing for sport, running animals extinct!! What part does all that play in humanity's evolution!?" Fauna asks, "Well there ya go, the very few negative of humanity, so what!? Didja want us to sit under rocks for our species' entire existence? Without money humanity would be much more violent and disordered, as mu as the savage beasts that kill and eat each other, but we, we're a cut above the rest as for you gods, you create and destroy entire planets at will, ignoring the countless lives on them, im right arent i!? Huh!? ANSWER ME!!" Roboco shouts, Fauna stays silent, "Yeah... when this tournament is over and y'all have won, what're you gonna do? Wipe us all out not just the bad men, or evil men, no you'll take the innocent, kind women, mindless children, and the men who fight for their country's success!!".

Both Roboco and Fauna stare for a moment, "no... you won't win... because people like me, Patriots, we fight for our country usually, but this time... I'm fighting for the world, the one you gods created and forsaken... and no matter how much you want to ramble on and on about our wrong doings, killing some unfortunate cows and pigs so we can survive, think about what you fucks do!? How many have you left in agony like myself, what about the countless innocent children you failed to protect, or the families killed by being in a car in the way of a stumbling boulder, that you could've stopped!! I don't care what you say anymore I just know that you're a rotten to the core demon of destruction, who masquerades themselves as a goddess of beauty and nature, but I won't let your curse claim anymore of my people lives not anymore!!" Roboco chants, "Not a single one... because we humans rely on one another to survive and if you want to wipe all of us out, you'll have to fight us all, all seven billion of us!!". Roboco angles her body to the left and lowers her stance, she readies her one good arm while keeping her missing one far behind, Fauna stares, "well... I hoped to end this without relying on the divine side of my power... but this shattered world... needs light...!!!!" She growls, before suddenly a pillar of light erupts from beneath her blasting a through the dust and smoke that covers the world it expands and envelopes Roboco, she braces and within the light she sees Fauna begin to levitate.
The light fades but the hole through the clouds allows the sunlight to peer in, and it shines on Fauna. "To create life... there are many essentials, all of which I can conjure, however there's one more essential... Light." Fauna explains, "without it, even if brought to life, what good would there be in the world? A dark and cold world, that of which no creature could see. There is no beauty in that and so I've taken matters such as that into my own hands, URRRGHAAAA!!!" Fauna shouts as her body regenerates, a shockwave blasts the smoke and dust cloud away and the sun shines on the earth.
A large halo of light forms behind Fauna as she floats in the air. She lifts her arm and points her finger at Roboco, she twitches her eyes and Roboco braces. Suddenly a small yellow laser pierces through Roboco's shoulder, behind her, it shatters stone and all the stone pieces turn into what appear to be scorpions with mantis wings. The creatures fly at Roboco, "Disgusting!!" Roboco shouts as she swats one out of the air, she feels a slam on her back and falls to her knees, "Annoying!!" She shouts again, Fauna closes is in digs her knee into Robocos face, dragging her through the ground and ascending while Roboco slides into a hill, shattering a layer. "E-Even more annoying!!" She shouts one more time just before Fauna's halo grows in size, and needles of light fly out of it. Roboco gets to her feet and punches a couple needles out of her path as the others land on the wall behind her. The rain stops and she smiles, "that all you got!?" She shouts, Fauna also smiles as the light from the missed and deflected needles begin to glow brighter and brighter. They explode and Fauna slams her fist into the ground as a large cluster of extending wood blocks hurry towards a recoiling Roboco. They slam into her and branches extend around her and dig into the wall behind her, Roboco lasers the wood off her, then she soars off the wall, crumbling it as she blasted off. She curls her arm back and rams it into Fauna's face. Her smile fades quickly as Fauna doesn't flinch and stares her down unamused. Fauna jerks her head to throw Roboco's fist back and reaches for her leg, she takes hold of it and her arm glows illuminating small shadows that flow into Roboco's leg. Countless Tiny needles protrude from her leg and she groans, "I'm not done yet!!" She shouts as a flame expels from her behind her back's panels, she takes her free leg and rams it into Fauna's face, actually knocking her head back, then she escapes Fauna's grasp and extends both of her legs onto Faunas stomach, sending her flying to the ground. "H-Hey... Iris... when I unleashed Polaris, it ignited the Earths atmosphere successfully yes?" Roboco asks, "That is correct." Iris responds, "And this dimension is basically the exact same as the current's universe right?" Roboco asks again, "Correct again, where are you going with this?".
Roboco chuckles into a full laugh, "That means replacements should be around and definitely on the same server and outside of the atmosphere!!"

"Hey Fauna!! Wanna see something cool!?" Roboco shouts, "Fauna blasts out of a pile of rocks and stares at Roboco with a missing eye that regens. "I think ima get to your page now!!"
A feint boom rings out and catches Fauan's attention, she looks into the sky and sees what looks like a comet coming into orbit. Roboco grunts and Fauna looks back to see, Roboco ripping out her shoulder from the arm that was destroyed. The seemingly comet soars down and pieces fly off it as a small pod crashes next to Roboco it opens and something flies out of it and slams into Robocos right side. The steam blows revealing Roboco's left side and Roboco stands tall. She takes her one good arm and clenches her fists she waves it back and slams In front of her into another hand, the steam blows past her right and reveals a new shining arm. "Yeah I know, I'd be speechless too!!"

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