"You wish." Diego laughs as he proceeds to tell me all that I've missed since we last spoke.

I did not intend for Diego and I to go for so long without talking but I was consumed with making sure that Julius was better. When I wasn't working in the kitchen, I was with him leaving no time for Diego or Hannah. But Julius is doing much better now and life can go back to normal.

Diego and I spend our one hour together, talking, laughing and just having a good time. Seeing my baby brother happy makes me happy because it assures me that I did the right thing taking the fall for him. The kid has a bright future ahead of him and it's up to me as his big brother to make sure that it happens.

Saying goodbye is as hard as ever but Callahan the prick is strict on time. Diego leaves promising to deliver the letter and visit again soon. Callahan cuffs me and leads me back to my cell, doing his mandatory body search before leaving me after making sure that there's nothing else but a letter in the envelope.

Julius is not in the cell when I walk in meaning he's still visiting with his parents. It took me a long time to convince him to call them. He's only twenty and even though he would like to believe that he is a tough guy, he's still just a kid who needs his parents.

I take the alone time to read Hannah's letter. Part of me is scared to see what she has written to me considering she has been avoiding me but I've got to know. The days of silence and not knowing have been torture. I make myself comfortable on the bed before retrieving her letter from the envelope.

Dear Cesar,

Hello. I hope you're doing fine. I would know that but I've been kind of avoiding your calls. You obviously know that. I'm sorry, doing that was childish of me but I just needed some time.

I said that I would respect your wishes when it came to your decision of us meeting but when it came to it, I ghosted you after you said no. You rejected me and that hurt me.

I know you said it's because you didn't want me to see you behind bars but I let my insecurities get the better of me. I kept thinking that maybe you didn't want to see me because I'm just a pass time to you and if we actually meet, then it will make this all real.

But then I reread your letters and went through all the phone conversations we've ever had in my head and realized that I was wrong. I know that what we have is real and it's something that if worked on can last. And that is what I want for the both of us.

I'm sorry I ran but I'm in this for the long haul if you are. I couldn't call you for obvious reasons but I hope Diego delivers my letter. I want you to know how I feel before our next phone call. If you do call me then this time I promise that I will pick up. It'll let me know that you've forgiven me and that we are good.

I'll not push you about us meeting again. You deserve to set that boundary since I am not the one behind bars. I was just really excited at the prospect of seeing you, spending time with you and hearing that sexy voice as we talk face to face. All that can still happen but at a time when you are comfortable. I don't want to force you into anything you're not ready for. That's not the kind of relationship I'm trying to cultivate between us.

But like I've said, at your own time. Again, I'm sorry for cutting and running. It won't happen again.

I hope we talk soon. I miss you and I can't wait to hear your voice again.

Till then be safe. Say hello to Julius for me and I hope he is doing better.

Yours truly,

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