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Just when Rain and I were getting down and dirty a knock interrupted us . Both Rain and I knew that it was Kano . God .

" Yes ?" I asked . Kano was standing outside my room with a purple lingerie on . Now I gotta admit but I would like to see Rain dressed in that. Ah fuck.

" I .. I'm looking for a type c charger . Do you have it ?" Hah . What a lame excuse she came up with . I scoffed .

" Seriously Kano? " I asked . It was then I caught her staring at my collar bone. But as soon as I was about to say something Rain emerged from the room with a charger in his hand . I was shocked to see that Rain wasn't dressed in his normal clothes he was previously wearing instead he had a underwear on with my shirt covering his upper torso and a bit of his underwear.

" Ah . Thanks Rain" I took the charger from him and handed it to Kano " if that was all then can you move from my door? I want to sleep " Kano snapped out of her trance and stepped back . I slammed the door shut . I turned around and met Rain's irritated look .

" Sorry honey ~" I said , moving my hands to his waist . He gave me a not so happy smile and pushed my hand away and walked to my bed and tucked himself in . I took of my shorts and t-shirt and went in the bed , cuddling Rain from behind. He shuffled away from me and I whined .

He turned around and cuddled me " you're like a baby" he mumbled. I happily snuggled in his chest .

" Waaahhh. Wahh " I heard the babies cry through the baby monitor.  Rubbing my eyes I shook Rain. He sat up without any questions knowing that his babies were hungry by this time . He sat up and turned on the nightstand lamp . I accompanied him to the kids room .

He picked up Elijah and lifted his or should I say my shirt and brought her close to his chest . I picked up the babies milk bottle and walked to the kitchen . I heated up the water in the electric jar and prepared the kids milk . I prepared only two bottles since Grace and Faith were the only ones who didn't need to be fed from Rain. Due to Elijah and Lilly were born weak so they needed mother's Brest milk. Shaking the bottles I walked to the children's room . By the time I reached the room Elijah was already in his cradle and Rain was holding Lilly.

I picked up Grace and Faith putting them both on each side of my arm and held the bottle for them while they hungrily drank from them . I looked at Rain who was dozing off while feeding Lilly. Suddenly I spotted a figure at the door . It was yet again Kano. I almost forgot she was here . She walked in and looked at me .

" Seriously? Why are you in your underwear only ?" She asked .

" If it bothers you then don't look at me " I said or more like whispered.

" It's a headache isn't it ?" She asked wrapping her arms around herself.

" Not for me " I said . I looked at Rain who was now cradling Elijah and Lilly. Humming some lullaby. He remained quiet not interrupting our conversation.

" I don't get it . Why are you so obsessed with staying with them ?" She asked raising the volume of her voice .

" Don't you dare try to raise your voice around my family. And ..." I looked at grace and Lilly who were drinking from their bottle, with their eyes closed " .... I thought I told you already that they are my family now . And to me family is important" . Kano shook her head and stormed out the room .

"You are a angel did you know ?" Rain asked as I took the bottle from the babies mouth and placed them in their cradles. I let out a small laugh .

" Thanks for the compliment. And I'm sorry about Kano . She accidentally got pregnant and her boyfriend kicked her out of his place and she couldn't go to her parents place either since they'll also kick her out " I explained what Kano told me perviously.

" It's okay . " He replied. He them continued humming the lullaby until the babies fell into deep sleep . By the time that happened Rain himself was dozing off .

" Baby ~" I called .

" Mm" he grumbled . I picked him up in bridal style and carried him to our room. I kissed his forehead and cuddled him . Soon we both drifted off to deep sleep .

ALPHA'S PUP - 2 •••••A NEW START•••••Where stories live. Discover now