Chapter 2/Special Chapter: Sabaton and BF1

Start from the beginning

Vili: What are your names also? We can't keep calling you all by your looks.

??? 1: Right! I'm Ruby!

Ruby then proceeds to introduce everyone else.

Ryan: Nice to meet you all then.

Yang: So, are they all a part of the same military?

Rudy: No, General Harbord said Admiral Kester is from the British Royal Navy.

Ryan: While Admiral Anfangs is from the Imperial German Navy, and Captain Foster is an ANZAC.

Blake: Anzac?

Matthew: Australian and New Zealand Army Corps.

The Conner remembered something.

Conner: Wasn't Captain Foster, Frederick Bishop's partner at Gallipoli?

Weiss: Who's Frederick Bishop?

Levi: The pride of Australia from what I've heard.

Coco: What about Gallipoli?

From that answer the marines and soldiers went quiet since they knew what happened.

Ryan: Well Gallipoli was-

Time all of a sudden froze.




The people of Remnant were suddenly teleported into a movie theater. After realizing their situation, panic and question ensued the theater. As everyone looked around panicked or looking for an exit. A man from the shadows started to emerge. 

Ruby: Where are we!?

Weiss: Shut up you dolt!

Blake: Is this a movie theater!?

Yang: Looks like it, kitty cat!

Pyrrha: Why are we here though!?

Nora: Maybe to watch some videos!

Ren: I doubt that, and please calm down Nora.

Jaune: Ren's right, we just have to stay calm.

Emerald: Cinder what do we do?

Cinder: For now, we see what happens...

Mercury: I don't like this.

Neo in the meantime was just chilling out. 

Coco: What just happened!?

Velvet: We were just on a Bullhead...

Yatsu: This is confusing...

Fox: Apparently...

Everyone else stood there in silence looking around the room looking for an exit but found nothing.

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