"Hello? Helloooo?"

Bắt đầu từ đầu

The skeleton snorted, "Silly, that's Reaper you're talking about. I'm Ink!" He offers his hand, "Guardian of the Multiverse, at your service!" You hesitantly shake his hand and tell him your name.

He puts his hand on his waist, "Well don't worry pal, I'll get you home. I'm assuming you're based on the human, looking at your design..." He murmurs to himself as he takes in your appearance. It made you feel a bit self conscious about this whole ordeal. When he goes to poke you, you batter his hand away.

"Okay okay, enough studying, can you get me out of here?" You ask.

"Oh! Right yeah, sorry." He sheepishly grins as he grabs a hold of your arm, splashing a streak of neon paint on the ground. It ripples and he jumps, dragging you along with him.

As soon as you exited the portal you wanted to throw up. You gag instead, shoving the bile back down your throat. Ink was already up ahead, talking to another skeleton, who was clad in elegant fabrics of yellow and gold.

Looks like you were in a little town. You look happy at that. Buildings were covered in snow, some of the snow outlining the rock on the walls. Looked like some sort of cavern, if the stalactites above head unless stated otherwise. You run to catch up with Ink, the snow crunching beneath your feet.

Somehow you weren't that cold. Wonder how that logic works.

Ink was chatting to the other skeleton, about you probably. The other skeleton catches your gaze and smiles, stopping so that you can catch up. Upon closer inspection, the skeleton seemed to be glowing fainty. You looked hesitant as you looked between the two.

"Can- can one of you explain what's going on? I- am so confused."

The yellow skeleton hummed, "I would, but we're not entirely sure." He blinks as he realizes something, "Oh my apologies! My name is Dream, I'm the guardian of positivity."

"So what is going on? You haven't explained that yet." They continued to walk at a leisurely pace, you now walking along with them.

"I said I would, but we're not entirely sure," Dream repeated, "You could be from one of the countless universes that were recently created. One that has to be more original than not, since you look nothing like the human that enters the underground."

"The what?" You were beyond confused at that point. Universe? Underground? Wait, dear reader, why do you not look confused? Well you should be. This is all new to you.

Ink pipes in, "Multiverse! Sorry you had to figure it out this quickly, you were probably just born yesterday!" He laughs.

Dream shakes his head, "In the meanwhile, you can live here. We are in a space called the Omega Timeline, where CORE Frisk will be able to help you out. CORE knows much more than me or Ink," He chuckles, "I do hope to see you again human."

It looked like the area had pixelated out of existence, a white void full of monsters and humans alike running amok. Hey it wasn't empty, there were small towns, parks, everything that's in a normal town. A human that looks off was walking toward you, eyes reminding you of the void and everything about them greyscale.

"Ah. Hello Dream. Ink." The human, who you assume to be CORE, greets, "Surprised you helped this one out, Ink."

Ink rolled his eyelights, "Dream kind of made me." He gets elbowed in the ribs by said skeleton, letting out a yelp, "Yup yup– okay leaving!" And just like that he was gone with a flick of his brush.

CORE seemed to study you, giving you a funny look, "Completely original. Reminds me of when Horrortale was first formed, with Aliza." They murmured.

You had enough with the 'original' crap, "Ok, I need a real explanation here. What do you mean by 'original'?!" I'm me! Of course I'm original! There's one of me, if it isn't obvious by the other humans here!"

CORE's eyes widened at that, "Okay okay, calm down. You do seem to be older than all of them. How old are you?"

You state your age.

Dream shuffled awkwardly at the side, stating that he should probably go as well before vanishing in a quick flash of light.

CORE sighs, "Alright. That checks out a few..." They looked at you again, but a new puzzled look adorned their face, "This is quite odd. I'll have to check this out. In the meanwhile...do you mind following me?"

"That's all I've been doing since I got here." You murmur, but comply.

"Oh hush." You follow the short but young human, who seems wise beyond their years. The ground from where the snowy town met the anti-void was pixelated, you notice. You're brought through crowds of different monsters, a few recurring ones appearing in the mix, but each with their own flavor of clothing and personality. You thought of it rather fascinating.

You were eventually brought to a small house, "This is where you'll be staying for the meantime." CORE stated.

They turned around to leave but you had more questions, "What exactly is this place?"

CORE turned to look at you again, "A sanctuary for those who have lost their home, their timeline, their universe. A place where they can continue to live in peace without the threat of death and resets over their head. Many are still traumatized from the events that perspired in their universe, many being new arrivals still."

Still curious, you asked how the universes were destroyed.

"Error. He's an anomaly born from the anti-void, whose only goal is to erase the mistakes in the universe." They pause, "Except he's insane and he's hellbent about destroying most of the multiverse in the process. Him and Ink are enemies."

That gave you lots of context, "Ah alright...so stay away from that guy."

"Correct." They then left without another word.

Well like hell you were going to stay locked up in this shabby cabin. You were going to explore. You immediately headed back outside, wandering amongst the crowds that were around every corner. How crowded was this place? Did this Error dude do that much damage to their homes?

You felt a pang of sympathy for them. But then you turned a corner and found an area full of doors. Doors with nothing behind them, yet some people were coming to and fro from them. Each door was catered to a universe, you observed. They normally correspond to the people coming out of them. Maybe...

You crept over, which is an impressive feat. The area was mostly empty, spare for the few traveling in and out of the doors. You caught glimpses inside of them. Some looked like hellscapes, some looked heavenly. One appeared out of thin air behind you, catching you off guard. You move out of the way, the monster not bothering to close the door.

The door began to shut by itself. You brace your hand on the inside of the door, keeping it open. Looks like the snowy place you just were, just...a bit different. Don't mind if you do. You step though.

You landed behind a building. Eventful. It's not like you saw anything through the door that piqued your interest; you just wanted to go through one. You turn around to open the door, yet it was shut tight. You jiggled the doorknob and groaned.

Well shit you're stranded. Again. At least it's not a void. Plus you have a food source and probably a bed, so you'll be better off. Also less people, if the absence of them wasn't alarming enough.

That's probably what those screams were.

Wait, screams?

You peak behind the wall of the building, seeing multiple types of creatures run to and fro. Screaming. From something. You weren't sure what. You turn to hide behind the building, exhaling a sigh of relief. At least you're hidden.

That's what you thought until you saw the knife being pointed at your throat.

"Now's the part where you run." the skeleton whispered, black liquid spilling from his eyesockets.

Bạn đã đọc hết các phần đã được đăng tải.

⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: May 10, 2023 ⏰

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