"Hello? Helloooo?"

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The ships are platonic. That's the big thing I changed, and the plotline. This also has an unreliable narrator.

Pain blossomed throughout your entire skull.

It hurt like hell, but it was worth it, you suppose. You open your eyes, taking in your surroundings. Dark. Where exactly were you? You rub your head as you get to your feet, a sense of vertigo waving through you as you look down.

Okay, so whenever you are, it's pitch black all around. But there's still light? You can see yourself just fine. Huh. By your observation, you're probably in some sort of void. Well that's a start, right?

Now to get out of here.

"Hello? Helloooooo?" You called out into the darkness, hearing your own voice echo back at you. That must mean there's an end, right? That it just doesn't go on forever, right?

You started to doubt your own mind. Some hope will get you through this, maybe. With your intense studying, this is the last place you'd end up needing to study for.

Ah, let's get to that, shall we?

Just who exactly are you?

Well you're just an average person studying in college. That's it. Still, would've been bonus points if there were any books containing information to escape the void.

You stared at the ground, no reflection staring at you back. Vertigo hit you again, so you opted to look away from the ground permanently. You called out again, a feeble attempt to get out of there. You groan as you start to pace. You should've eaten that granola bar your roommate offered you.

Oh shit. Food, water. Things you need to survive. As if on cue, your stomach growls. Great. Fantastic. You're going to starve there. What are you going to do now? Lay on the ground and hope for the best?

Huh. That's exactly what you're doing. You do you.

You're one awfully lucky person, as someone was just making their way throughout the multiverse and noticed something was off. You hear footsteps approaching and you sit up abruptly, coming face to face with a skull.

You let out a yelp, crab-walking backwards as you looked at the skeleton. You were pretty startled, it was evident. The skeleton blinked, their eyelights changing shape and color each time they did.

A black ink splotch was stained on their face and they looked like some sort of artist. Huh. Cool. A giant brush stood at their side, the end of the brush stained in black paint.

"Sorry about that, didn't mean to startle you!" They beamed, smile shining. There was something off about it though, yet you couldn't place it, "Do you want help getting up?"

After processing that yes, this skeleton talks, you politely turn down his offer, "Ah no- I'm good." You get up onto your feet, "So am I hallucinating or am I dead."

"None of those, friend!" The skeleton continued to smile, "You're just trapped down here in the void. Dunno how you got yourself here, but I can take you out of here if you so wish!"

You squint your eyes at the skeleton, "You could be literal death itself. Is this just a whole metaphor or something?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2023 ⏰

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