Jessie III

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I see my friends giving each other looks the whole time while I walk back to the dance line. Yes, I know this guy is super hot. And tall, very tall. I am very short, which makes him even hotter. He has his red, bright red, unlike most of the other guys here who are wearing black. It is very form fitting too, like you can tell he has a good body. We see on TV, stuff of guys with good bodies but I've never really seen one in real life, especially not a brown boy. I definitely want to see though.

Once we get to the line, the hot guy tells the creepy guy to basically leave. I am so relieved. We dance together for most of the dance. His grumpy face is mostly gone and he even smiles a couple times. It is so cute. Like damn.

"You look good in blue." He says literally out of nowhere.

"Umm... Thank you." I can feel my face getting kind of hot. Thank god I don't really blush.

After the dance I ask him if he's going to be here tomorrow.

"Will you be here?"

"Yeah, I'll be here all of the days."

"Then I'll be here all of the days too."

"Okay, I will see you here again then."

"Oh, you definitely will." He full on smiles this time. I am going to be thinking of that smile for so long, I just know it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2023 ⏰

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