Zian II

15 0 0

I watch the group prepare for another dance. There's an odd number in the line. Sucks to be them, one of them has to dance with the air. I watch as the girl in the blue looks around for someone. For a partner I guess. I watch as her friend motions to some other guy across the room who has been staring at the group the whole night. The girl in the blue shakes her head and keeps looking around. Behind her, the guy starts walking to them and she sees. She doesn't look happy. And she's been smiling the entire night so that's saying something. She looks at me and almost looks like she's walking to me but is stopped by her friend that says something to her, looking in my direction. I feel like I know this other girl from somewhere but I can't remember. Don't care to either. The girl in the blue turns around again to see the guy walking towards her and then she starts walking toward me fast.

"Hey, want to leave now? We are done here." My idiot friend has the worst timing.

"Hi, you need to come to the dance line. There is an odd number." The girl reached me. She's smiling again. The smile looks much better closer up too.

"Nah man, this guy never dances, he hates it." My friend says at the same time that I get up and say "Yeah, sure, let's go." He shoots me a weird look. He looks at the girl again then smirks. Smirks. Fuck off.

The other guy is waiting at the line when we get there.

"Looks like we don't need you man, it'll be an odd number." I say to him, not so subtly telling him to piss off. He takes the hint, but not before shooting me a dirty look. This time I smirk.

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