Jessie II

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It's getting pretty late and people are starting to leave the dance line, but one of my favorite dances is coming up so I convince my friends to stay for one more dance. As we are waiting for it to start, we notice that there is an odd number of people in the line.

"Are you kidding me."

"I swear to God if someone doesn' leave or join, I am going home."

"I am tired and I have work tomorrow." The complaints start and I know that if I don't grab someone fast then my friends will start to leave. I look around for people who I think would be willing to join.

"Heyyy Jessie, how about you ask your secret admirer to be your partner?" Maya wags her eyebrows in the direction of the guy who was staring at me from before. I turn to look at him again. Yep, he's still looking. What a creep. No thanks.

"Ew, no. I'd rather dance with no one than with him."

"Well it looks like he might join you anyway." I turn around again and see that he is walking towards us and lowkey freak out. I start looking faster for someone else I can quickly grab. Even if it's a random stranger.

"How about him?" I point to a guy sitting at the back looking so done and kind of mad...?

"Oh wait, I think I know who that is." Of course Priya knows him. "He's this guy who moved here from Toronto. He played soccer so that's how the guy I met over snap last month knows him. He's taking engineering at the university"

"Yeah, I don't care. I am getting him for the dance. I don't want to wait anymore."

"Apparently he's really grumpy and kind of rude. He looks mad right now for no reason. Where even are his friends. He's not Gujju I don't think so someone had to have invited him."

I see the other guy getting closer so I just bolt over to the grumpy guy to ask him to join the line.

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