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I enjoyed writing this chapter, it's mostly just a funny little thing where Sonic is really awkward.. Enjoy!

<Sonic's POV>
I still had Tails hugging me when the pink hedgehog I had talked to over a month ago ran up to us after being patched up by the red echidna that punched me. She seemed to be overly-excited about seeing me for some reason, which made me uneasy but I'd just deal with it.

"Hi! You're Sonic right? Tails has talked about you ever since he was determined to help you out of G.U.N's base and all." That's nice to know, now I wonder what she knows about me. As I was thinking I felt Tails pull me closer, probably out of embarrassment. The other hedgehog looked at him in amusement at what I assume was the sight of me holding him.

I just stared at her in response since I had no idea what I should say back, although she didn't seem to notice my absense of words at first because of her amusement at Tails. I felt awkward standing there with her next to me especially after she eventually began looking at me again expectantly. I glanced to the side after a moment, looked back at her for a second then started walking away. I heard a shocked, but small gasp come from the pink hedgehog behind me, and Tails start laugjing at my action as I kept walking away. Soon after I heard her now running to catch up to me.

"Wait! I'm Amy!! I really want to get to know you." I only kept walking with Tails still laughing. Why is she chasing me? Should I run? I didn't look back at her, but I knew she was still there because she wouldn't stop rambling back and forth between how she wants to know me, and telling Tails to stop laughing at her. After a little while of me walking away Tails finally stopped laughing and told me to get to know her a little bit.

"Sonic- try to get to know her at least a little bit. It might be nice to have some more friends, right?" It was pretty logical so I stopped walking, and looked at her, then at Tails.

"Do you want me to put you down?" He shook his head as a response so I looked back at 'Amy' she said her name was. I didn't know if I liked her rambling very much, but again I didn't want to disappoint Tails so I'll listen when she does.

"I wanted to say thank you for helping us, and why do you look so rough? Your fur is all matted." I just stared at her, did she not know I lived in the forest? May be Tails didn't mention it.

"And now that I think of it, you kind of look like that person who was wearing a hoodie that showed up at my house a little over a month ago.." She slightly gasped, she put some pieces together.

"You are him!"

"Yeah." Was my only response, and by now Tails was starting to doze off into sleep in my arms. I made sure that I wouldn't drop him with the added weight of him being unconcious.

"Why did you say he wouldn't be able to be in contact for a while if he showed up the next day?" He was fully asleep now.

"Because if G.U.N couldn't find me they'd go after him since he's friends with me so he was going to stay in the forest for a little while, but then I got caught so they stopped going after him." I explained thoroughly while she stared at me in shock.

"Why would they take him?!"

"I just told you." That came out much more blunt than I had meant, but she hadn't seemed to notice with the gears turning in her head.

"You live in the forest?" She figured it out, she may not be as bad as I thought.


"Why?" That's pretty personal.

"My Mother."

"She lives there?"

"No." Why would I wanna be near my horrible Mother?

"Than where is she?"

"I don't know, she dropped me in the forest, and left quickly after." I answered truthfully, what else was I supposed to say to that? It seemed pretty reasonable to just say the truth. She stayed quiet for a little while, and seemed like she was giving me pity.

"Don't pity me."

"Sorry.. That's just really sad." ..

"My life is sad?"

"Kind of." She's weird, but she's not bad.

"Want to meet Knuckles?" That's probably the guy who punched me isn't it.

"The red echidna? Is that who you're talking about?" I had to at least make sure before I rushed to more conclusions.

"Yeah, his name is Knuckles." Fuck.

"He punched me." She blinked with more pity filling her face, and I sighed.

"Just introduce me." She nodded, and started leading me back to where we came from. I quietly followed after her still making sure I didn't drop the sleeping fox that I had been holding this whole time. After a few minutes we finally made it back, and I saw, 'Knuckles', the guy who hit me, standing almost exactly where we had left him.

"Knuckles! Come introduce yourself to Sonic!" He looked at us when 'Amy' called for him, then walked over and stared at me for a second while I stared back.

"Why are you blue?" What?

"Why are YOU red?"

"I don't know." Exactly.

"And you answered your own question." He seemed confused, so I stared at him until he figured it out. How am I supposed to even act around these people? It's not like I got off on the best foot with anyone but Tails, which in the meanwhile, couldn't help me since he was asleep.

"Why are you holding Tails?" Reasonable question.

"He hugged me, so I picked him up and now he's asleep." He nodded, and walked away. Great talk. I glanced at Amy who smiled at me, then I walked away to Tails house since he needed to be put to bed. I'm so glad I know where his house was or this would be more of a struggle than I would hope it to be.

After I had put Tails to bed I managed to make sure the house was locked as I left. Once I got outside I ran, looking as if I disappeared, away from the town back into the forest. Since it was still daytime I went into a clearing only I, and Shadow, knew about.

His interactions are weird, but ykw this is just an au so it's kind of expected. Also my updates are gonna be slow, I'm visiting family in my home-state! Byee!!

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