Jamie remembers Tiny as well. He's the quiet, brooding type, but whenever Ella was near him he would be seen smiling. It was the most bizarre sight. The man was like a child given a candy, grinning happily whenever he saw Ella eating or having fun with the girls. He still didn't talk much, but at least he wasn't as scary to approach anymore.

"So Ella is officially with Tiny now..." Jamie murmurs under her breath, smiling softly at the thought. She wishes her friend the best and wants her to be happy.

"She is. From what Ruby told me, Tiny is planning to claim her as his Old Lady soon, after Don's wedding."

"Don is getting married? That's news to me," Jace frowns in confusion. He didn't hear anything from his brother about a wedding when they talked few days ago, so it's surprising to hear he has such plans.

"Well, he is planning to, but he's waiting for Killer and Muffin first."

"Of course he is. They really stick to the order, don't they?" Jace laughs. It's both funny and interesting that the men of the club are like that. They seem to think that the first one to get their lady should also be the first to get married.

"And when are Killer and Muffin getting married?" Jamie asks curiously, sitting up on the bed, covering herself to the best of her ability. The embarrassment about being seen by Isabella quickly gave place to curiosity, but she still doesn't want her soon-to-be mother-in-law to see her completely naked.

"Soon, I guess," Isabella shrugs. "Before I left, the ladies were already making plans for the party, so you can expect an invitation any time now. Cause you can be goddamn sure they'll invite you. They have a long list of guests, actually."

"Well, the club has many connections, so I'm not surprised," Jace nods to himself. He will never admit it, but he's actually slightly jealous about how well-connected the bikers are. They have even more useful connections than Jace, which is a bit infuriating.

Thankfully they're allies, not enemies.

"Well, it's getting late now, so I'm gonna say my goodbye and be on my way to Iowa," Isabella checks her watch with a heavy sigh. "Have fun, kids, and remember," she points at Jace and Jamie, "I already have a granddaughter, so now I want a grandson," she laughs then leaves the room. She's already bothered the lovebirds enough.

"That woman, I swear!" Jace exclaims in outrage then turns to Jamie with a smug smirk. "Well, you heard her."

"I thought we agreed to not have any children now," Jamie smiles teasingly, tossing away the duvet to climb onto Jace's lap, letting the cum he left inside her to drip onto his pants. "But I guess if we want a son, we need to practice making one."

"Oh, Angel, you little tease," Jace grins happily before pressing his mouth to Jamie's, tasting the sweetness that still lingers on her tongue after their dinner. She tastes like the chocolate cake she had for dessert and, combined with her natural flavor, it's absolutely addictive.

"You're the one teasing me, not the other way around," Jamie whispers against Jace's lips, running her hands all over his deliciously sculpted chest that she's been entranced by from the very beginning. Her man is not overly bulky, but he's very well built and looks incredibly good no matter what he's wearing.

Jamie never expected to be attracted to a man after what she's experienced at other men's hands, but Jace easily broke through the walls she built around her heart and woke up the one part of her body she thought would never be stirred by a man again. It's becoming exceedingly hard to keep her hands to herself when she knows Jace enjoys her touch as much as she enjoys his.

The longing for love that remained dormant until now has been fully awoken by him and can only be satisfied by him. His careful, loving touch, along with the affection he showers her with are fueling her desire to the point where she can no longer fight against it.

So she succumbs to it.

She knows exactly what she needs - Jace.

"Does my Angel want something?" Jace smiles cheekily, burying his face in Jamie's neck and biting on it lightly. He's noticed that it's her weak point and he fully intends on exploiting this newfound weakness of hers.

"I want you, Jace," Jamie whispers, holding his face tenderly and pressing small kisses to his lips. "Did you know that your name means 'healing'? That's what you're doing to me. You're healing my soul,"

"There's no need for flattery, my love. I will always do whatever you ask of me."

Jamie can only smile at him. He always knows just what to say to her.

And judging by how skillful he is with his fingers as he gently tickles her insides, he knows what to do as well. 

[MC #4] Mafia's AngelWhere stories live. Discover now