A Life Forever Changed

Start from the beginning

"Ah! Yeah... Umm, he was seen leaving Emperors bar about three weeks ago. Amiya looked at her datapad in thought. 

"Error! 3 weeks 1 day, 20 hours, 42 minutes, and 32 seconds." Ptilopsis interjected, making some of them jump as she shouted error.

"How long have we known about this?" Closure asked in surprise as well as the others. This was not something that would slip under their radar easily.  

"3 weeks, 1 day, 15 hours, 10 minutes, 15 seconds," Ptilopsis spoke again in her monotone voice.

"That long!?" Nearl asked in bafflement. 

"Why are we only now being told!?" Kal'tsit gritted out as she gripped her datapad tightly and stared at the coffee on the large table in sheer annoyance, deciding not to look at anyone.

"What would Dr Y/n- Apologies, I mean Farsight want with Penguin Logistics?" Silence asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Maybe a drink at the Emperor's bar? Heh," Blaze nodded to herself in satisfaction. 

"Wasn't Farsight close to Texas before he left? He spoke to her the most when she was around, right?" Amiya looked around, not wanting to say those words out loud as it left a bad taste in her mouth. She tried hard to be there for him, but he still seemed happier around Texas.


Everyone looked at Kal'tsit, surprised by the loud growl escaping her throat.

"...Kal'tsit..." Warfarin stared hard at her old friend in a warning as Kal'tsit looked back coldly.

Everyone looked at each other awkwardly at the scene. 

"Has anyone in the past three weeks attempted to contact Emperor or any of the other Logistics members about this?" Closure asked, breaking the stare-off between the two.

Everyone looked at Closure momentarily before shaking their heads, making her sigh. 

"Actually..." Amiya started but trailed off.

"Amiya?" Nearl looked at her, wanting her to continue. 

"Operators Texas and Exusiai should arrive at Rhodes in a few minutes," Amiya told the group. 

"When they arrive, I want them here!" Kal'tsit ordered, leaving no room for question.

"I asked for them to come to Rhodes. I'll fetch them myself..." Amiya said before standing abruptly and retreating from the room, feeling all eyes on her back as she left. 


"Are you done pouting?" Texas broke the silence as they entered the oversized Rhodes Island garage, seeing plenty of vehicles and operators around the area.

"Are you done being stubborn?" Exusiai huffed as she readied her stuff.

"Touche," Texas rolled her eyes as she drove deeper into the garage.

"Look, it's Amiya!" Exusiai pointed at the waiting Cautus as Texas parked as close as she could and switched off the engine but sat there staring at the wheel as Exusiai moved.

Exusiai wasted no time as she bolted out of the car with her bag and weapon over her shoulder, went over, and started chatting with Amiya. The smile on Amiya's face looked forced.

"Exusiai... What's Texas doing?" Amiya looked over Sankta's shoulder.

Exusiai, for her part, stopped talking and looked back at what Amiya was looking at, seeing Texas just sitting behind the wheel of their car and not moving.

"Texas?" Exusiai called out in worry, her voice echoing in the oversized garage. 

Texas must have heard her name being called as her wolf ears flickered, and she could be seen breathing deeply before slowly getting out of the car with very little enthusiasm.

Ex-Doctor Of Rhodes IslandWhere stories live. Discover now