chapter -24

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The morning comes earlier than expected. She rubs her eyes to remove the sleepiness and a yawn escapes her lips as she leans against the headboard of bed.

Her eyes move around new space, "Although it's beautiful and lavishing but it didn't give the same comfort and warmth like my old room" she whispers in disappointment.

"Come on it's just for 2 months" inner voice speaks up as one after another thought starts crossing her mind.

" I don't want to spoil my day by overthinking" she whispers by shaking her head irritating and within a few minutes she gets ready for college.

" Finnally.." she squeals in excitement and goes downstairs.

In a good mood she makes her way towards the entrance as she doesn't want his favour, she decides to take a bus.
"It will be a nice morning walk" she whispers to herself by wearing her sneaker, as a bus stop is little far from his house.

" Where were u going" the voice startled her.

" Going to college" she answers by turning around looking at him in his workout attire,drenched in sweat.

" It's still early, do ur breakfast. i will drop u on the way" he uttered looking at his smart watch.

" No, it's ok i will take a bus" by speaking she turns on her feet ready to vanish in thin air, but his voice halts her feet " it's not up for discussion, and i have to talk with u. Better u sit quietly i will join u in a while " not waiting for her reply he takes long strikes towards his room after speaking.

" Huh " she stomped on the floor in anger and walked towards the dining table.

She sat for almost 15 min tapping on a glass table with her fingers but no one brings any food not even a glass of water.
She was just about to storm in the kitchen to make a cup of coffee when she heard a footsteps.

He entered the room wearing a dark brownish suit and with his usual noble calm and cold posture, he sitted on a head chair and gave a deadly stare at her who was sitting at the end of the table.

" Did i need to dictate every time" he utters in non polite tone.

" U are staying under him, so it's obvious to play with his rule" her mind speaks up as her body freezes under his deathly stare.

Slowly she stands and moves a few chairs forward from her seat, when she again hears his warning " i don't mind letting u sit on my lap, if u chose the wrong seat this time"

With an instant she pulled out the chair left to him and sat quietly. He hummed in response while on que the maid started placing dishes in front of them.

" Can't they give me a few minutes back, so at least I can have my breakfast in silence. Idiots" she murmurs looking at Clara

He smiles looking at her smudge face giving one of killing glare to Clara. After the maid left the room, she picked a fork and started eating waffles with fruits and cream

" Yum" she muttered as the crunchy waffle melts in her mouth with a refreshing taste of fruits.
She almost forgets with whom she is eating until he clears his throat by putting his fork down.

" Let's get everything clear before u leave for college" he says in a serious tone

She also put her cutlery down by giving him attention.
" As u are staying in my house u have to follow my rules. As every house has one" he utters calmly and she nods in understanding as in her house also they have to follow some to maintain discipline.

" U came home directly after college and no need to be friendly with anyone just attend ur classes and come back.
We do breakfast and dinner together, so better wait quietly next time.
U will attend events with me and one is tonight be ready at 8.
get along well with this house as from Today u will look after and get all work done in time. And never go anywhere without informing me"
Her mouth hangs open as it is more like controlling than house rule.

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