Chapter 24

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No one's pov

It's true he really underestimated the blonde, the first day he found them in the office, with the blonde sited on sasuke's lap, with the blonde's innocent face he never thought that he already slept with sasuke. Haku goes out of Naruto's room only to stop after seeing a figure leaning against the wall outside Naruto's room at the left side.

Haku glares at sasuke then closes Naruto's door, sasuke grabs haku's arm then starts pulling him towards his room "why are you doing this haku"sasuke questions after reaching his room"why did you sleep with him sasuke?!!"haku shouts while grabbing Sasuke by his shirt"haku you have no right asking me that""are you really answering me that sasuke?!""..... don't do this,we broke up like when? Five years ago? And you were the one who ended it""but you know the reason why, I never wanted to break up with you sasuke""but you broke up with me with the intention of not returning to Japan,you told me to move on haku!!"

Sasuke shouts losing his composure,haku looks at sasuke with teary eyes while biting his lower lip"but....I'm back now sasuke, do you know how hard it was to convince zabuza for my return?"sasuke releases a sigh and removes haku's hands on his shirt "haku just don't do anything to Naruto, and that money don't even think of giving it to him, don't cross the line""you're really going to choose him over me?"

Sasuke looks at haku who's looking at the floor and he wonders how things got to this, Five years ago when haku told him he was leaving Japan with no chance of returning his heart broke, no matter how much he tried to convince haku to stay nothing changed. Haku's older brother is a mafia lord, Haku being an Omega he still decided to be involved with his brothers work, but then they got into an argument with one of their partner,there was always a gang war one after the other to the point they no longer had the power to protect themselves in Japan.

That's when haku's brother Zabuza made the decision to leave Japan with haku and never return inorder to protect his brother,haku had no choice but to end things between him and Sasuke and that's what he did. It was hard for sasuke to move on,after three years Neji finally convinced him to come to 'Pleasure', a place for a rich man like himself to let go of his desires, to form relationships with no strings attached, to be served with any kind of being he desired. And then he met Naruto, his muse,an interesting blonde who never desired to be touched by an Alpha who he so much hates but is afraid of at the same time.

Their situation of them being together makes no sense, naruto can leave anytime he wants because he doesn't owe sasuke anything,but the thought of letting go of the blonde disturbs him to the point he wishes to lock him up, he doesn't know what he feels for the blonde,but he doesn't like the thought of not having Naruto in his sight.

When he first saw haku again,he can't lie that his heart didn't skip a beat, he still cares for haku ,more than anything but he doesn't know which position haku holds in his heart anymore"I wont let him have you sasuke,I'm your Omega and you're my Alpha, that's what we were and that's what we still are"haku grabs sasuke's hand and places it on his cheek"why can't you just hold me just like you used to?"he wraps both of his arms around sasuke's neck and pulls him closer, he places a gentle kiss on sasuke's lips, he looks at sasuke then continues to kiss him passionately,haku breaks the kiss then removes his arms around sasuke's neck

"Don't hurt me sasuke"he says and places a gentle kiss on sasuke's cheek then leaves the room, sasuke stares at the closed door"Fuck!!"he exclaims knowing how things are getting complicated.


Two days have passed but the atmosphere in the mansion just keep on getting worse, the servants are literally walking on eggshells and as for Naruto,he still hasn't decided whether to take the money yet"Shika my best friend!"Naruto exclaims while talking on the phone"since when did I become you're best friend?""come on are you still mad at me?""being mad at you is a waste of time I'm too lazy for that""then stop hurting my heart shikamaru""haa what a drag,just tell me why you called me""haaa ok,ino and jiraya must have already told you about my situation right?""yeah and I wondered how I got the information about my best friend from someone else other than my best friend"

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