Chapter Eight

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A/N: Forgive me for the late post and short chapter. There are only two more chapters to go!


"Yes, and I have been looking for you for a while. To have so many magical creatures surround you makes you special. What is it that you have to influence them?" Sakura is confused because she doesn't know what he is talking about.

"I am simply a vet. I have nothing but my knowledge of animal medicine." It is silent for a while until Orochimaru laughs. The sound is a nasty sound, almost like a bunny being killed.

"You are wrong, girl. Madara loves you, which means you are special. I want to access the Tengu village and you are my key." Orochimaru rears back and flings his head toward her. His neck elongates like a snake and it heads toward her. She jumps to the side to evade the attack and tries to run back to the village.

Before she can cross the tree line she is ripped back toward Orochimaru.

"You will not escape me little one. I am going to make sure you are mine. I may have missed you last time but not this time." Sakura realizes that Orochimaru is talking about the day she was almost kidnapped in her home.

"That was you?" Sakura asked. Orochimaru smiles in a sickening way. He then attacks her again to try and reach her. Sakura realizes that Orochimaru is trying to bite her. Is he going to eat her? There is no way she can get back to the village, nor is there a way for her to defeat Orochimaru by herself. There is no other choice.

Sakura pulls her last feather from her hair and goes to call out for Madara, but Orochimaru attacks her again. She dropped the feather when she jumped away from Orochimaru.

"Once I bite you you will be mine to do with as I wish. You will let me into the village."

"Why do you want in the village so bad?! As soon as you step foot in there the Uchiha will defeat you!" Sakura yelled as she ran to hide behind a tree. Orochimaru laughed.

"I am not the only one that wishes to get into the village, little one." Sakura is deathly pail at his admission. She looks to her left and sees the feather on the ground. She needs to call Madara, he is the only one that can defeat Orochimaru.

Sakura dives for the feather and grips it in her hand. She rolls out of the way of Orochimaru and runs behind another tree.

"MADARA!" She bellows with the feather gripped tightly. She hears a loud boom and peers around the tree to see Madara. He is so angry that she could feel the power rolling off of him.

"How dare you come onto my lands and attack what is mine!" Madara growls. He swiftly begins to attack Orochimaru. "Sakura, get back to the village now!"

Sakura runs toward the village lines but is pulled back by Orochimaru. He grips her tightly against his body like a snake. He is constricting her breathing and she begins choking for breath. Madara looks torn between what he should do.

"Madara, you need to forget about me and protect the village. Don't let him hurt our family!" Sakura shouts before she can no longer talk from the constricting body of Orochimaru.

"I could never forget about you Sakura." Madara grasps his gunbai and sickle. Sakura holds his gaze as he flings the sickle toward her and slices the body of Orochimaru.

Orochimaru screams in pain and releases her. While he begins backing away, Sakura notices the sickle laying near her. She quickly grabs it and swings it around toward Orochimaru. She plunges it into Orochimarus's head.

"Like hell, you could ever hurt my family." Sakura growls and she digs the sickle in deeper. Orochimaru lets out one last gurgle before his body falls limp.

Sakura stands up and slowly backs up until she hits Madara's chest. He wraps his arms around her and squeezes her tightly. She loves this man. She would do anything for this man.

Sakura turns around and looks up at Madara. She pets his cheek and smiles.

"You always come for me."

"Always. Now let's go back home." Madara says as he grabs her and they begin walking back to the tree line.

It has been a few days since Orochimaru and while the incident helped Sakura realize she was utterly and hopelessly in love with Madara, Madara has made it his mission to avoid her. Sakura visits with everyone in regard to Madara, but no one can tell her anything, except Izuna.

"He is scared, Sakura. He worries that you will live a terrible life with him since you age and he doesn't"

"I love him though! I would gladly spend my days with him no matter what!" Sakura cries as she holds onto Izuna. He rubs her back and sighs.

"Sometimes just loving someone is not enough. Tengu love deeply and we are willing to feel despair if it means letting the one we love feel happiness."

"Madara is my happiness though. What do I do Izuna?"

"Show him your love. Not with words or tokens. Show him you are willing to spend eternity with him." Izuna pulls her back from him. He looks deeply into her eyes. "Show him that he would be a fool to let you go."

Sakura stares at Izuna a bit longer. She suddenly realizes what she needs to do. She smiles at Izuna and squeezes his shoulder before getting up.

"Thank you for the tea, Izuna. I must cut our time short though. I know what I need to do." Izuna smiles at her and nods.

"Just remember what I said Sakura, please do not hurt my brother."

"I could never," Sakura says and heads off to find who she needs. Sakura needs Ino because Ino is the only one she knows that can tell her the secret to immortality.

She is also the only one willing to kill Sakura.

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