Chapter Four

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Not even 5 minutes after thinking that she felt his speed decrease until she finally felt the ground beneath her feet. She slowly looked away from his chest before she deemed it was safe to fully pull away. Still grasping his arms she stared in wonder at the beautiful compound before her. The slight fog that surrounded the compound did nothing to hide the tall peaks of the mountains that circled the compound walls or the beauty of the building's architecture that looked like it came straight from a Japanese history book.

There were so many people out and about all sporting what she has come to know as Uchiha's dominant features. It would all look like normal scenery except every person had medium-sized wings attached to their backs. Upon closer inspection, she began to notice the majority of the people had many attributes of a bird showing through. Some had feathers along their cheekbones with long talons coming from their fingers. Looking closer she even found some who had beaks!

The children were the only ones that had hardly any human attributes. Their hair was all downy feathers and their nose and mouth were replaced with small black beaks. They wore no shoes because their feet were raptorial style, similar to an eagle. Their hands that gripped their parents' hands looked more human but staring at the base of their fingers their skin became scaled and elongated until a long sharp black talon protruded from the tip of their finger. Feathers ran along their arms and legs in patches and when one child turned around she saw a tail covered in soft black downy feathers. From the looks of it, this one particular child was molting because everyone he scratched his tail feathers would end up falling. She giggled softly to herself as she watched the child's mother scold him for scratching.

"The children will begin to gain more human features as they grow and once they finish their first molt they'll lose almost all the feathers on their body. Many of the adults you see here still have a lot of Tengu features because only a few have enough spiritual energy to look fully human. The head family members are the only ones that can go into human territory due to this ability. Although, somehow Shisui was able to gain this ability without being a head family member." Madara explained to her. She was amazed by everything he said and wanted to know so much more but she remembered she did not come for a lesson on Tengu history and anatomy. Sakura looked up at Madara and smiled briefly at him.

"Thank you for explaining, but while I would love to stay and stare at the beauty of your compound and people I do believe we should hurry to your brother," Sakura said Madara pressed his lips together, and the prideful light that was in his eyes while he was explaining his culture to her was overshadowed by worry. He nodded his head and turned before gesturing for her to follow with his hands. She walked a step behind him while trying to absorb all that was around her before they stopped in front of what she assumed was the main house.

While it held the same architecture as the others it was triple the size of them and had a small gate that surrounded the property. Not meant to keep others out but to signify the differences in stature. Sakura followed Madara into the house preparing herself for the surgery she most likely would be performing. He never said how bad Izuna was but she could only assume it was bad if he requested a house call.

The inside of the house was beautifully decorated but she wasn't seeing it as she kept running through her head all the steps she was sure she would need to take. When they finally reached Izuna she could barely stop herself from gagging. He lay in a bed looking like a corpse while surrounded by the stench of death. If it wasn't for the slight movement of his chest she would have thought him to be dead. This was far worse than she thought it would be and for a small moment she was scared she wouldn't be able to save him.

Sakura stood tall and clenched her fists as her eyes hardened with determination. To hell with that thought! She was going to save him because that is what she does. She could feel Madara's gaze on her but batted it no mind as she swiftly moved towards Izuna's bedside and began assessing him. When she began lifting the blanket from him to get a better look at him she felt his hands grip her forearm. She gasped at the strength with which he was still able to use and looked into his half-lidded eyes that were glaring at her.

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