☾ Epilogue

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A couple years had passed since Chaeyoung's death

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A couple years had passed since Chaeyoung's death. A lot of things have changed. Seojun was a trainee, Suho was currently abroad to take care of his father, and Jugyeong was working as an assistant.

"When will you set me up with Seojun-oppa?" asked Chaeni, the model that Jugyeong was currently working with.

"He's a trainee right now, so he's not really in the right place to be meeting people, he says. You probably see him around the company more than I see him," replied Jugyeong.

"No, I can only give him a hint once or twice," protested Chaeni, whining. "Why do I keep having to make the first move? It hurts my pride. I heard that you're really close to him. Please arrange for me to meet him alone, okay?"

Jugyeong looked away uncomfortably, as if he would date you, he's not even over Chaeyoung yet...

"Since we're on the topic, why don't you ask him right now? Please," continued Chaeni. After some more whining, Jugyeong finally agreed, taking her phone out.

Jugyeong texted the boy, pleading that he just take Chaeni out once so that the girl can shut up. Seojun denied quickly, making Jugyeong get nervous as Chaeni asked what Seojun said.

Chaeni snatched Jugeyong's phone, reading the boy's text, "No. Her type is the absolute worst."

Seeing the text only led to Chaeni making a scene, and getting Jugyeong in trouble.

That night, Jugyeong sat at a table with her old high school friends, drinking. Drunk out of her mind, Jugyeong complained about Chen to her friends, then passed out on the table.

"Where is he? He should be here soon," mumbled Chorong, checking his phone.

"Oh, he's here. Over here!" called Taehoon, waving the boy over.

"Hey, hey. Who let Jugyeong drink this much?" asked Seojun, walking to their table. After Jugyeong complained to Seojun about the situation, the boy pulled her out of the restaurant to take her home, along with the others.

The pair sat on some steps as Jugyeong drank the water Seojun got her, so that she could sober up.

"Han Seojun," said Jugyeong.

"What? Why?" he questioned, not looking her in the eye.

"Meet Chaeni just once, please," she asked, still slurring her words.

"I told you I don't want to," he answered.

"Can't you help me out and make work easier?" she asked, pouting. "Just have one meal. One."

"Can you meet a person you don't even like?" he replied.

"I didn't ask you to take her," said Jugyeong, not even able to open her eyes.

"Stop it," he replied, looking down at his hands.

"Just once!" pleaded Jugyeong.

"Don't keep telling me to meet other women!" he said, annoyed that she kept asking him. "It hurts." He sighed, and looked down.

He missed her dearly. He pulled out his wallet, opening it to look at the polaroid picture of him and Chaeyoung.

"Sorry," whispered Jugyeong, after seeing him pull the picture out. She had no idea that he was still so affected by her.

"It's okay," he said, brushing his hand over Chaeyoung's smiling face in the picture.

Silence overcame the two, both reminiscing their time with the girl.

"I miss her," said Jugyeong, softly.

"Me too," he replied, he could feel his eyes start to water. "It's coming up, you know? Her anniversary."

"I know," she answered, looking down at her feet.

"I can't be there this year," he said, referring to visiting her stone, "I have a schedule." Seojun scoffed a laugh at his own words. Jugyeong sat there silently, just listening.

"Can you believe it? I can't even go there on her death anniversary because of some stupid practice schedule."

"Did you visit her recently?" asked Jugyeong, after moments of silence. Seojun nodded.

"Yeah," he said, barely above a whisper, "I do whenever I can."

The two friends sat beside each other, sitting in silence. Seojun wiped the corners of his eyes and stood up.

"It's time to get you home, c'mon," said Seojun, pulling the girl to her feet.

It was earlier that day, that he sat in front of her gravestone. He placed some white flowers on top of her stone neatly.

"Hey princess," he whispered, "it's been awhile huh?"

"I, uh, haven't been coming as often since I became a trainee...You always said I had a nice voice." Seojun brushed his fingers across her name. Moon Chaeyoung.

"I miss you, you know, I miss you a lot," he said, voice cracking at the end, as tears formed.

"I wish you were still here, with me."

Seojun had started to ramble on about how he's been and how he's been feeling, barely realizing the time passing by, as the sun started to set. He felt his phone vibrate, mid sentence.

He stopped, pulling his phone out to check his text. It was Chorong, asking him to bring a drunk Jugyeong home.

Seojun sighed, replying that he'll be there soon, before putting his phone away.

"Well, I guess it's time for me to go, Chae," he said, standing up.

"I'll be back as soon as I can." Seojun moved to leave, before looking back.

"I love you princess, always," he pauses, "and I hope you're doing well up there."

Unbeknownst to him, a figure in white, sitting by the gravestone watches as he walks away, heading to go pick up his drunk friend.

"I'm doing well Seojunnie,  said the figure, long hair swaying, as she stared at her lover.

"I love you too, always." 

...AND THATS A WRAP ON ECLIPSE!! I hope you guys enjoyed the story and thank you for supporting it for this long. I really truly appreciate it a lot! I really loved writing about Chaeyoung and Seojun (ChaeJun/SeoYoung? I don't really know what their ship name was) and I'm definitely gonna miss writing about them. 

I am thinking about doing some extra or special chapters in the future, so if you guys have any ideas, please let me know, either comment or DM me! it could be what you wish you saw more of, before or after her death, or anything and I might write it. 

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