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It was the weekend the next day

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It was the weekend the next day. Suho and Chaeyoung had planned to go to Prince Comics together.

"Are you sure you're okay to come? It's not too late to go back," asked Suho for the 100th time already.

"Yes, I'm fine," reassured Chaeyoung. "Stop asking so much, besides we're already here and you promised to take me." Suho sighed at the girl in front of him, worry evident on his face. They walked into the store, seeing another girl, seemingly close to their age.

"We meet again," stated Suho, making Chaeyoung give him a confused look.

"Again," she whispered, leaning over to him.

"I'll explain later," he whispered back, making her give him a thumbs up. The girl gasped when she saw the two, quickly hiding her face with the book she was holding.

"Why aren't you coming down?" he asked her, seeing as she was still standing on the stool.

"I'm looking for a book," said the girl who gave out an awkward laugh.

"Then can you get that book over there," asked Suho.

"This one?" she asked, pointing to one.

"A little over," he said. She moved her finger and asked again. Suho said no and told her to move a bit more.

"Stop tormenting the poor girl," scolded Chaeyoung, hitting the taller boy.

"How much longer are you going to pretend? I know you know me," said Suho, rubbing the spot she hit him. The girl slipped off the stool she stood on and Suho made a move to catch her. Chaeyoung awkwardly stood to the side as the two had their staring moment. It was like the scene came out of a kdrama.

Gosh, why am I such a third wheel, she thought, staring at them.

"Suho, I'll go. You guys can stay and talk," she said, slowly stepping back. The two broke out of their trance and looked at the girl.

"But what about you're appoi-"

"I can go by myself," she interrupted Suho, before leaving the store. "Aish, so weird."

"Move," said Suho. Chaeyoung and Suho had just arrived at school. Soojin, Jugyeong, and Sua looked at him as they moved. Suho continued to walk past and Chaeyoung stayed to talk with her friends.

"Hi," she greeted, with a smile on her face. "Suho, you should be nicer." Chaeyoung sighed at the boy who continued to walk ahead. They walked only two steps before they heard a motorcycle engine. The students split apart to make way for the motorcycle that quickly moved past them.

"Han Seojun," muttered Chaeyoung, quickly walking up to Suho, knowing the two's past.

Chaeyoung watched the two as they stared each other down.

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