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Weeks had passed since Chaeyoung woke up from her coma

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Weeks had passed since Chaeyoung woke up from her coma. Suho and Seojun had made up, Jugyeong was chosen as the Instagram Goddess of the year, Suho had caught her up on the recent issues with Soojin, as well as the exposure of Jugyeong's old photos which led to Chaeyoung cutting off friendship from her childhood friend, Soojin.

Life seemed to have moved on perfectly fine without her, with her in a hospital bed, staring out the windows, waiting patiently to see if someone would visit her for the day.

Whenever her friends came to see her, with tears streaming down their face, like Jugyeong the day her photos were exposed, or to just talk about their day at school, like Seojun does to distract her, she would be smiling brightly as usual.

She knew the day was coming. It was only a couple of days ago when Dr. Kim had told her that her heart would only be able to manage for two more weeks unless she gets a heart transplant. But nothing was ever that easy right?

Carrying this information without telling a single soul, not even Suho, the one who she thought of as her brother, her only source of family. So she began to write.

For the next few days she would write letters to the most important people in her life, the ones who gave her her source of happiness and hope. But she would also spend those days convincing Dr. Kim to let her leave the hospital for her last few days to spend with her loved ones.

"You know if I let you do that then your time will come faster," stated Dr. Kim, standing in front of the girl's hospital bed.

Chaeyoung nodded, "I know. But I'm willing to give up that time if I can just spend my last moments with them. They're-" she sighed. "They're all I have."

"Chaeyoung," said Dr. Kim, he himself feeling emotional since he had practically seen her grow up through the hospital check-ups.

"What good is it going to do for me to just sit here as my time ticks away? I'm stuck here and will be until I die. I don't want this place to be where I go, so please Dr. Kim," she pleaded, "let me do this."

"Are you ready?"

"As ready as I'll ever be," she beamed a smile at her boyfriend, making him flustered and suddenly push her forward.

After the two had some alone time when she had woken up the two had acknowledged their feelings for each other.

Seojun had been extremely persistent in making her his girlfriend, even though she had argued for the opposite since she didn't want to leave him alone if she is forced to leave. Seojun had obviously one the argument with him saying "I want to be able to say that you're my girlfriend, even if it is for a little bit."

The two walked into the school, holding hands as other students whispered between themselves after seeing Saebom's sunshine beauty walk into the school after being gone for so long.

It was minutes before class started when Chaeyoung and Seojun walked through their classroom holding hands. Everyone stared at them for a second before what they were looking at had registered in their mind.

Almost immediately, the two were crowded around the new couple, rapid firing questions towards their relationship and how Chaeyoung was feeling. Their classmates eagerly welcomed Chaeyoung back, even Sua, who had been avoiding talking to Jugyeong.

After the first class had ended, Jugyeong went to try and make up with Sua, which left them leaving the room.

Soojin approached Chaeyoung, who had been surrounded by her other classmates who were trying to catch up with her.

"You weren't responding to my texts or calls," said Soojin, clearly unaware that Chaeyoung knew what she did to Jugyeong.

"Let's talk outside," replied Chaeyoung, getting up from her seat as Soojin followed her.

Once the girls made it outside, there was silence between them.

"I was worried, you know," said Soojin, wanting answers.

Chaeyoung scoffed under her breath, "Oh really? I thought you would be too busy posting Jugyeong's old pictures, which, by the way, is not okay."

Soojin was shocked. She never thought that the news had made it to Chaeyoung yet.

"If this is all you wanted to talk about, then this conversation is over, Soojin. I'm really disappointed in you, I thought you were better than this," said Chaeyoung, before walking back to class.

As she headed back alone, she suddenly felt a sharp pain in her chest, causing her to hunch over against the nearest wall. She stayed in that position as her ears started ringing.

After a few more minutes, the pain started to go away, and she continued to her class, promising herself that she would bear the pain just so she could stay longer. Just so she could spend time with them and make more happy memories of her for them.

She wanted them to remember her as being the happiest person they could think of, the brightest and most energetic of their friends. She didn't want to be remembered as someone who was constantly in pain and suffering.

School was practically over, and it was currently just Seojun and Chaeyoung. They were walking outside, around the school grounds.

"Tomorrow's the last day I'll be able to go out," she started, causing his grip to tighten on her hand, feeling that if he let go, she would disappear.

"I know," he said, fearing that if he were to speak more about it, he would burst out crying. But he didn't want her to see him cry. He had to be strong, just for her.

"I was thinking that because it's Saturday tomorrow that we could spend the day together," she said, "just us two."

"Yeah, I'd like that," he said, holding in his tears as he knew this moment would not be forever. Them together, spending time with each other was an image he knew would not last. Not forever.

All of a sudden, Sua and Jugyeong had come up to the couple, having made up earlier, and decided to interrupt their moment.

Seojun, who was on the verge of tears, was extremely grateful to have had someone interrupt them before he started crying and turned his head away to compose himself.

"Sorry Seojun, but we're going to steal Chaeyoung for the rest of the day, since you're going to hang out together tomorrow," said Sua, grabbing Chaeyoung's wrist and pulling her away.

Sua and Jugyeong hadn't even given Chaeyoung or Seojun a chance to speak before they walked off with her.

Chaeyoung turned her head to wave goodbye to Seojun with a smile as she got dragged away by her best friends.

Seojun smiled back and waved goodbye, wishing this could've been his forever. But fate didn't work like that. It never has. 

Hey guys, how are we feeling? there's only like 2 or 3 more chapters for me to write until this book is finished! and would you guys want to see like parts of Chaeyoung's letters that she wrote earlier this chapter? and are there any specific scenes or ideas that you guys have that i can include for their little date in the next chapter? 

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