"How-", Bert cleared his throat because his voice sounded like a croak. "How long have I been out?"

Tam's face swam into vision. She had dark circles under her eyes, her face looked tired and haggard. She had waited on him hand and foot and that had taken a toll on her.

"Two weeks. But don't think of going anywhere for awhile, you haven't yet healed completely."

She turned her back to him. Her frame was stooped but he could see her shudder.

"Are you ok, Tam? Did you get any sleep?"

She didn't answer or turn around. "Come on, Tam. Look at me. Please?"

She turned around, furious, but at the same time wiped tears from her eyes. "You're such an idiot! Why the hell...", she sniffed and took a breath before continuing, "Why the hell did you have to attack The Jackal? You're just a kid, he would've killed you. And..and..", she turned around again, "You could've easily died because of the fever." Her voice was small now.

"I-" She turned around sniffing, the stress melting away from her face in the form of fat tear drops that formed in her eyes. "I can take care of myself. You don't have to go around acting like a hero. Not for my sake, at least. I'm going mad, trying my best to take care of you and..and.. if anything would've happened to you, I..I don't know..."

"Tam." Bert tried to sit up, but discovered he had no upper body strength. "There was no way I would've let that bastard hurt you. You know that don't you? You know that..."

"Why?" She looked so vulnerable and sad.

Bert chuckled. "I think we both know why. But we don't want to go into that now, do we?"

Tam stared at him, wringing her hands, not sure what to say.


She walked unsteadily to his bed. He lifted his hand to her and, after much thought, she placed her hand in his.

He tugged her gently and she squealed as she lost her balance and toppled on her bed. "What are you doing? You're hurt remember? We-can't-"

Bert chuckled. "We won't. I just want to sleep with you. You look exhausted."

"B-But, I'll go on the couch. I don't wanna hurt-"

"Shh. Just sleep now. You'll help keep my nightmares away."

"Only for a bit," she conceded.

And miraculously, they slept in each other's arms.


"So?" Jake narrowed her eyes at Suzy. They had settled with their coffee mugs on her lounge.

He raised a haughty eyebrow at her.

Just a few minutes back, he had let his guard down and shaken her up to the core. She hadn't misread the hunger and desperation in his eyes. He had looked at her, possessive and impotent anger angling his features. And now, his face was impassive again. The no-nonsense cop was back, asking her what was her problem.

"Why don't you tell me why you're really here?" she ventured. "Tough day at work, huh?"

His nose wrinkled in distaste at her interrogation. It was obvious he hadn't much experience being on the receiving end of it.

He looked so adorable, trying to act as if he hadn't just had a nervous breakdown in front of her. She had to clamp her legs and push them firmly on the floor.

He's off-limits. Think of Rob, think of Rob!

If she kept her brother's name in her head, she wouldn't do something as stupid as climbing up on top of him, begging him to do her.

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