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Tiffany keeps on trying to call her brother who is now inside his dressing room getting ready for their last concert in the city. A few minutes ago she was just sitting inside the theater waiting for the show to starts when a familiar voice called her name. It didn't sink in right away on who's in front of her. Does her brother knows? That she needed to ask.

"Hi! What are you doing here Renee?" still in shock. She stood to kiss her on the cheek.

"You look pale. Are you okay?" concern is evident on her face, as if Tiffany saw a ghost.

"ah yes. I just didn't expect to see you here.  Sebastien didn't tell me that..." was immediately cut off.

"I didn't tell him. I want to surprise him"

"oh he'll really be surprise for sure." in her mind not even sure if her presence was a good surprise. 

"There's so many fans here." looking around and seeing the banners of their favorite Il divo holding it patiently. "I don't know what would be their reactions if they'll find out about our relationship. Much more after we get married." Still looking at the screaming fans. Some even wear a shirt with the pictures of Il Divo while the others with a banner with the word Pls. marry me. She rarely go and watch him, not because she wasn't proud of him but not to distract him with their shows.  Seeing how fans go gaga over them made her realize how successful they are already. 

"Would you like the public to know about your relationship?" waiting for her answer while feeling the pain it would cause her if her brother decided to pursue Lea. She will be supportive of his decision. Any of these women would make him happy and she is just willing to support him with his decision.

"It's up to him. I do not mind at all. It's just that I'm not sure if he still wants to marry me." fidgeting and tense that made Tiffany place her hand on top of hers to somehow calm her down.

Tiffany didn't say a word because she doesn't want to give her false hope if her brother chooses Lea. Her heart breaks seeing her. She knew how much she loves him. She can't blame Lea as well as she doesn't know that Renee existed then. Now she wanted to hit his brother for putting these two ladies in this kind of situation. The stage manager announces that the show will start in a few. She wanted to sit beside Renee but the house is full. They do not have a vacant sit where they can sit beside each other. No one would want to exchange chairs either so she thought of a plan. She approach a group of friends and ask nicely if they can exchange seat and of course they would say no so to bribe them she has to think of a better way.

"Hi girls! I'm Tiffany! The thing is my friend and I booked a different seat number and I wonder if we could exchange chairs so we can sit side by side?" The questionable look on the girls faces were so evident. Who wouldn't find us weird. We are strangers asking for an impossible request. "I know it's too much to ask but if you'll say yes, i'll let you meet the il Divo for a quick photo op " she waited for their response. They don't seem to believe her. 

"Ms, they won't do a meet and greet for this tour and we want to sit beside each other too. It won't be fun if some will sit far from us. We went here to experience it together and we bought the tickets a few months ago cos it got sold out easily. As much as we want to meet them but there's no chance"

Tiffany's face lighted and smiled at the girls "I told you i'll let you meet them only if you say yes to my request. I know all of them"

Still doubtful. One of the girl says "If you know them then you should have a free ticket and was able to easily choose your desired seat number."

Tiffany knew the girl is right only if she told her brother that she's going to watch the show then she doesn't have to pay for a ticket but seeing Renee there unexpectedly never occurred to her. She can't believe she's standing beside her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2023 ⏰

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