The Dine and Dash

Start from the beginning

"Tsk tsk, men are all the same" Lamisa scoffed rolling her eyes so far back they could've rolled into her brain.

Balencia smirked, the remark reminded her she was no longer Lalzari. "Power can be an attractive destruction" the warrior boasted.

"Now! ALLY WITH ME!" Balencia roared with dominance.

The three Alzalam members hit their chest with their fists. "HUEH" They roared synchronised.

"We are now your soliders dear Balencia!" Qlbashir announced and Balencia smiled knowing she had unlocked a power that would soon come to be unstoppable.

Back at the kingdom of Laham an anxious Khushboo stood in the middle of Balencia's room. Her hands trembling and shaking whilst she paced the room like a roaming fly. Mareeb walked in at the moment feeling the tension that had infiltrated the kingdom yet unknowning of what the root cause was.

"Oh Mareeb, where's Omid?" Khushboo gasped anxiously as she rushed over to the lean tall man.

"She's away, what's wrong? I sense something!" Mareeb replied worried by how the innocent Khushboo's face had slowly been turning into that of an old women.

"Something terrible Mareeb! We must get to Omid as soon as possible!" And without a second of doubt Mareeb grabbed another shawl and dagger and rushed to get one of the royal horses. He knew where Balencia was, but he couldn't wait longer as time was of the essence.

Balencia and Mareeb entered the castle once again. The constant worries from confronting The Sir, challenging Alzalam and now whatever the king was about to do was causing the warrior great distress and fatigue. She could feel the heals of her feet filled with blisters, her ankles sore and burning from the chains rubbing against them, and her eyes that yearned to close and rest.

They busted through the door of Balencia's room to find Khushboo waiting there. Who knows how long she had been standing there waiting for them but it was as if the maid couldn't rest until she had warned the warrior.

"Omid! There's a new law being inforced! The king wants to inform you at dinner. You have to go now!" She stressed as she watched the scars on Balencia's face. As her eyes met the exhausted warriors' she instantly knew what an outrun women looked like.

Khushboo pulled powder and a hardened liquid from her pocket. She wet the liquid until it became like paint and gently with her finger she dabbed it over the areas of Balencia's face that were scarred and bruised.

"Now go Omid!" Khushboo announced once the worn-out vixen looked a bit more put together.

Balencia entered Laham's room only to be greeted with a long table. Laham sat at the end and around him some of the most trusted marshals including Talbazar. Balencia walked carefully and sat down at the other end leaning back into the throne. The seat wasn't for her yet she claimed it with no hesitation showing her dominance in front of the elites.

"I've been busy yet I've come for this meeting. What does it entail?" Balencia bespoke as she picked up the sparkling water and took a gentle sip.

The maids had started coming with massive plates of food. The meat was thick and parts of it had bone so dense it looked as if it belonged to a huge animal. Small peices was laid in everyone's plate and the Marshal's began to eat. As Balencia started cutting the meat she noticed how hard and chewy it looked. As she put it close to her nose the smell was so potent it almost made her gag.

The conflicted warrior looked over to one of the maids in the corner to meet her intense eye contact. Khushboo had spread the word regarding Balencia so most of the maids were knowledgeable of her mission and who she was. The maid starring at Balencia shook her head and that was enough to enlighten the dominating vixen that the meat was from no animal.

Balencia gently dropped the meat onto her lap and flicked it to the floor.

"Ah yes my beautiful jewel! My Lalzari! I'm inforcing a new law! You're going to love it! As soon as the sun begins to set we're going to raid all the civilians taking all their rice!" The king bellowed proudly.

Bags of rice? For what? Lalzari argued in her head. She gave the king an expressionless look and replied

"And what is the master plan behind that?"

The king smirked pleasured by her constant praise and contuined "the civilians are getting too brave. By taking their source of fuel we will instill fear back into their souls. HAHAHAHAHA! I need to be feared at all times!"

What a pathetic soul. Making his minions steal rice from the poor all to scare these innocent souls. Power is what this man wants to possess yet the more he chases after it, the closer it gets to me. Balencia bellowed to herself sure that her reign would be soon to come.

The powerful warrior smirked as she tucked her silky hair behind her ear and boasted.

"I'll take the first strip of civilians"

"I'll take the first strip of civilians"

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Illustration of King Laham Sid-Qapur

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