Taeyang sensed Jimin's inner conflict, shot him a glance, and asked, "Getting together w/ my little brother, did that have anything to do with me?"

Jimin sucked in a breath of cold air and instantly replied, "No!"

As soon as that left his mouth, Jimin knew that he had lost his chance to lie b/c of his panicked tone.

However, to say it had nothing to do w/ Taeyang was also impossible, as he had only recently found out that it wasn't Taehyung he met at the TV station.

"But didn't you meet me first? And here I thought you mistook him for me......" Taeyang looked at him with a smile, as if chatting naturally w/ a normal friend.

Jimin's lips twitched. He discovered a similarity b/t these two brothers: They were both narcissists!

At this point, if he didn't explain everything, then he'll never be able to wash himself clean. Jimin closed his eyes, nervously clenched his fists, and confessed, "It wasn't. The 1st time I met Taehyung was even earlier... ...It was the year I graduated from elementary school."

This time, it was Taeyang's turn to be shocked: "Eh?"

Jimin succinctly explained what happened at the piano level test, then said, "Two years later at the TV station, when I saw you, I thought he forgot about me."

Taeyang tilted his head: "So you mistook me for Taehyung? And not the other way around? Unhappy that I forgot you, so when I asked for your name, you replied... 'I'm not telling you'?"

Jimin awkwardly lowered his gaze, feeling that he really was way too childish back then.

The corner of Taeyang's eye twitched: "So now, can you tell me what your name is?"

Jimin put on a courageous face: "Park Jimin."

Looking at the cautious way the other acted, Taeyang found it quite interesting, thus he deliberately joked, "What part of Little Taehyung do you like anyways? Can't it be me?"

"......??" Hearing this, cold sweat appeared all over Jimin's forehead! He stared at the other in disbelief: "No."

Taeyang: "Why?"

Jimin explained in a fluster: "I feel like you two are...completely different people."

Taeyang: "I look exactly like him, so how are we different?"

Jimin: "It's just a feeling. He's a very familiar, a very sunshine-like existence, treating ppl w/ sincerity and good at understanding others... But the feeling you give me is more withdrawn. To be honest, I'm not really sure how to interact with you......"

If the other wasn't Taehyung's older brother, Jimin probably wouldn't have been able to say more than 3 words.

In order to let Taeyang better understand how he differentiated the 2 of them, Jimin recalled all that happened b/t them and chose a few to say: the time he got kissed after their duet performance, their fake lovers game, the flower boat at the old hamlet... While he recounted these things, he heart also slowly warmed, but then he suddenly remembered what Taehyung complained about this morning before leaving. Finally, he seemed to understand why Taehyung started a "cold war" with him.

Although the other was very passionate, but when it came to love, they were the same and lacked a sense of security. Taehyung also wanted him to act spoiled, wanted to receive his attention at all times......

Jimin sighed. He was wrong; he shouldn't have only cared about his own dignity, hiding this from Taehyung for so long......

Later, he'll tell Taehyung everything, and then hug him, and kiss him.

"I've liked him for many years. Being able to be with him now, I'm really very happy......" Jimin was still immersed in his recollections, and although his brows were slightly knit, he didn't know just how gentle and deeply in love he looked in Taeyang's eyes.

Taeyang lightly exhaled then turned towards the stairs: "Oi, how long are you going to keep eavesdropping?"

At this moment, Taehyung had no words to describe his boundless feelings.

He had seen when the chauffeur dropped Jimin off and wanted to go down and open the door, but his brother was a step ahead.

He hesitated a beat, and despite knowing that Jimin couldn't really tell the difference between them, still masochistically hid behind the stairs, wanting to personally see how his most beloved would react to the twin brother who shared his face.

He heard Bro say he remembered Jimin and felt his heart shatter in pain... As expected, they knew each other.

When his bro said "Can't it be me?", Taehyung came that close from jumping out and kicking his brother all the way back to America.

Was it then that Bro realized he was eavesdropping?

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