Chapter 61

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"You actually......" Jimin's jaw dropped. Wasn't coming out to your family something done only after meticulous consideration? How could the other act so rashly! He honestly suspected that Taehyung was only bluffing him!

But Taehyung looked completely serious and even helplessly smiled: "It's not like I had a choice. After break started, I thought about you every day and often called you too. Mom's not dumb, so naturally she knew something was up and asked me twice. At first, I was afraid she couldn't accept this, wanting to hide it, but the longer I didn't talk, the more curious she got."

Jimin: "So then you told her?"

Taehyung roughly repeated his coming-out convo w/ his mom, then said, "Actually, my relationship w/ my mom is really close. Since young, she's taught me to treat her as a friend and tell her what's on my mind, so I basically don't keep any secrets from her."

He was serious about dating Jimin, so if he hid it all mysteriously from his mom, then it might actually seem like he treated this as a brief affair......

"Afterwards I thought, you're so incredible, and other than being a man, why shouldn't I tell her about you? Might as well explain earlier and get it over with."

These words sounded like a 2nd confession and Jimin was incredibly moved, but he still couldn't resist asking, "Then, how did your mom react after finding out?"

Taehyung: "She obviously reacted in a huge way!"

Jimin: "......"

"That's normal though. I have to give her some time to accept this." Taehyung scooted over and kissed Jimin's cheeks in comfort. "Don't worry, she won't make things difficult for you. When I came out to her, I stressed how I really, really liked you and hoped that she'd be able to support us. Hearing that I wanted to invite you over, she actually wanted to meet you too."

Jimin felt speechless. So instead of as a "classmate", he actually came here as a "boyfriend"...... Why did he get the feeling he was meeting his future mother-in-law? And more importantly, he hadn't made any mental preparations!

Seeing Jimin remain silent, Taehyung thought that the other was scared. After all, they've only been together for a month, and he wasn't sure if Jimin was willing to stay with him long-term, so to suddenly make the other meet his parents as his boyfriend, the pressure was definitely enormous. But he also had to admit that he wanted to use this to securely tie down Jimin.

He nudged Jimin w/ his forehead as he murmured, "Don't be nervous, you have me."

Right now, Taehyung was like a peacock showing off his feathers, trying his hardest to display all his good points in front of his desired mate: His mom's a famous TV anchor, his family's conditions are pretty good, and although he didn't have a dad, he would work hard to become an independent and outstanding man......

Jimin was someone w/ a strong sense of responsibility, so after meeting his parents, the chances of the other dumping him without a word would greatly decrease.

He needed to attack until the very end to secure his victory. Before Jimin could realize, he wanted to firmly bind the other to his side without giving him any chances to run away!

After lunch, Taehyung pulled Jimin into his room. The two of them rolled around in bed doing child-unfriendly activities, making up for all they missed this winter break.

But in the middle of the day, the two of them didn't dare go too overboard, so they only rubbed each other off.

After that, Taehyung took out a whole bunch of photos of him and his bro to teach Jimin their differences. But in the end, Jimin still couldn't tell them apart, making Taehyung press him down and rub and kiss and tickle his whole body as punishment......

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