Chapter- 13

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SCENE 60 [Ana whipped her tears and stood up and go downstairs and behaving like nothing at all happened]

Drew: [ rushing toward Ana ] Hey! Can you please take our pictures?

Ana: yeah, why not.

'' Drew and Lily pose in front of the camera and Ana clicking their pictures''

Ana: [ accidentally slipped the camera from her hands] Oh, I am so sorry

Lily: [ shouted] Hey, girl don't you have eyes or are you fucking blind. This camera was more expensive than you bitch.

Drew: [ with full anger] Holy shit! what did you just do?

Ana: [ tears in all her eyes] I am sorry. I was not supposed to do that I accidentally dropped it.

Lily: don't cry in front of Me. Just leave, please.

''Ana runs immediately and get herself locked in the room and packed her luggage and went off''

Drew: hey! where are you going at this hour?

Ana: [angrily] Back to my home.

Drew: wait a minute. Why but, why are you leaving so fastly?

Ana: I want to ask you something. Didn't you feel bad when people insult me in front of your eyes?

Drew: Ana. It was fucking 10,000-dollar camera, it's expected that person get angry over that thing please don't create a mess over here.

Ana: I am not creating any sought of that stuff. If I didn't speak in front of anyone it doesn't mean I am weak or I don't have a mouth.

Drew: [hold her arms tightly] I am sorry babe.[ kissed her]

Ana: [ controlled her emotion and anger] I love you

Lily: [ opened the door] Hey! Honey let's have some drinks and snacks.

Drew: [ left Ana alone and ignored] Yeah! sure, don't drag me at least.

Ana:[ gets happy when seeing the smile on his face] It feels so good when I see him happy.

SCENE 61 [Drew and Ana leave the hotel and put their luggage out]

Lily: [hugged Drew] I will miss you. Come back soon to meet me okay?

Drew: sure, I will come back to see you soon.

''Drew and Ana leave the hotel and get into the taxi and move to the airport''

Ana; [ shouting from the kitchen] Meal is ready to come and get it?

Drew: [ hugged Ana from the back] No, I want to eat you today.

Ana; [ turned back] Okay then.Oh! Drew hold on we forget to take up the necklace from Lily?

Drew: [ laughs] Leave that thing I have you that is enough for me

Ana; [ with a fake smile] Okay no problem.Hey! I was thinking that we should read some novels all together 

Drew: you know that I am not a novel person. All I love to do is to play games, watch movies or series and all the way doing chill.

Ana: I am also not at all a novel person, but still it feels good to read it with your special one.

Drew: stop please, let's enjoy some movie.

Ana; [ with a dull smile] Okay, but which one?

Drew: oh! I love to watch the action movies I can watch them for a whole fucking day. I know that you also like them a lot

SCENE 62 [Both of them watching an action movie meanwhile Ana is sleeping in between the movie]

Drew: Are you seriously sleeping? fuck you miss the whole fucking scene.

Ana: um, actually I was not sleeping I haven't had sleep for the last few nights.

Drew:[ with frustration] Then get out of the room and sleep somewhere else.

Ana: what's wrong with you ? Why are you behaving like this every single time?

Drew: same applied to you. Every time you ruin the whole joy whether it's a movie or a sports match.

Ana; [ rushed out of the room while switching off the t.v] fuck you.

Drew: hey! hey! watch it. Did you say fuck you? you have a big tongue huh?

Ana: [ with anger] Yes, and you know what I can speak more than you 

Drew: You know what, I can easily leave you like this at this point should I?

Ana: [ Tears all over in her eyes] Are you serious? 

Drew: I am fucking severe at this point.

Ana: [ scared a bit] I do apologize.

Drew; [ With attitude] That's like my good girl, now have a movie with me—only my favourite one.

SCENE 63 [ Notification continuously coming and phone beeping at midnight]

Ana; [picked the phone and put it on silent] Oh! it has seriously broken my sleep.

Drew: what kind of these notifications? please stop them.

'' Both of them were about to sleep and the doorbell rings''

Drew: who is at the door this early, [ opened the door] Ana it's your order.

Ana;  oh! for me?  Mom and Jade have sent this. let me open it [ with joy] so adorable card.

Drew: and what else is there?

Ana: [ tears in her eyes] It's a picture of me and my dad.

Drew: let me also see this. but why did they suddenly send this thing?

Ana: cause it's something special today.

Drew: what? what special today? I don't really have time for thinking about this stuff Please bring my breakfast I have to leave for work.

'' both of them left and reached their offices''

Ana: [ phone call coming on her phone continuously] Thank you all for your wishes.

Mr Jim: hey! it's your day then why are you so sad huh?

Ana; cause that person doesn't even remember this day.[ continues her work]

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