chapter -1

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Walking alone leaves falling from the trees and my cycle tyres crush them and my feet too. The favourite thing I love to do. Just feeling the new and only me once again a new day. Sunlight claps my face and I was feeling that it enhanced the beauty of my eyes. Blossoms all around just walking and loving my company all alone with the beautiful streets.

                                          SCENE 1  [Doorbell rings ]

''Continuously knocking on the door impatiently and soon the door opens''

Mrs.willow: Honey! Where have you been for so long? I was waiting for you darling and do you know what I have cooked for you today?

                      ''   Ana instantly went upstairs without saying a word to mom''

Ana : [ saying while searching for something] well! mom, I am not too much hungry and I will get the food whenever I will feel hungry. 

Mrs.willow: Fine! I am going to the market take care, please [softly]

                          ''Mrs Willow locked the door from outside and went away ''

                                                       SCENE 2 [ In Ana's bedroom]

Ana : [continuously dialling up the number on phone and trying harder but with a bit of frustration]I am going to do it anyway Dahh!

Jade: [saying while coming out of the bathroom]Watch it Ana you are going to break that shit.

    '' Ana left the phone as soon as she heard the voice of Jade and pays all attention towards her'

Ana: [speaking impatiently] I have been searching for you all day. I want to ask something from you very important.

Jade: Did you again break something, Ana ??

Ana: It's not funny anyway I am serious about that thing 

          '' Jade opened the blanket and comfortably sit on the bed with the novel and Ana rushed into the blanket''

Jade:[with the feeling of caring ] okay tell me what exactly happened to you?

Ana: As you know from the start I enjoy my company a lot and I also have so many friends and I didn't feel something missing in my life I have me, you, mom and dad that's all that I need in my life I m fucking happy.

Jade: so what exactly is the problem with that thing?[ with a bit of confusion]

Ana:[saying while being stressed out] But the problem is of losing myself if one day I feel in love with a person. But as you know I have never ever been in a relationship or dating thing I have always been away from it.

Jade: Calm down! listen Ana every person has their own point of view about love life. I might have been different and you might have been different all matters is who survived at last.

Ana :[ saying with a bit of emotional voice] It's not about who survived, at last, it's about who lives happily at the end.

Jade: Look dear, life is nothing without risks and adventures if you are having strong potential go ahead.

Ana : [with full emotions] I am afraid that what will happen if someone leaves me after going so far in the love life 

Jade: ''life starts where the fear ends'', you try it Ana if you want to I am not forcing you.

SCENE 3 [ Mrs Willow opens the main door and enters]

Mrs Willow: [with louder voice ] Ana you haven't done your meal yet?

Ana : [ saying while thinking about jade wordings ] coming, mom...

''Suddenly Ana tripped from the stairs and fall badly ''

Mrs Willow: Oh Jesus! Ana, are you all right baby?

Ana : [struggling a bit for standing up] yeah! I am all right. I just tripped accidentally, well I am fine.

Mrs Willow: [  saying softly] You are seeming messed up from the start of the day. What happened is there any sought of problem ??

Ana: No, no mom everything is fine. I was busy with my college and all that stuff.

Jade:[saying while coming downstairs]  Yes, mom she is been struggling with the most freaking out question of her entire life

Ana: [ bit stammering] um no, everything is perfectly okay mom and nothing are here to worry about. 

SCENE 5 [Ana and Jade move towards their room for sleep after having their dinner]

Jade: What are you writing for so long it's almost 12 o clock don't you want to sleep huh?

Ana :[while searching on laptop] It's my interview date so I have to check it positively now otherwise I will miss them.

Jade: [with surprise] wow! you haven't told me about that thing but you are having the habit of telling me everything about what's coming next in your life. Isnt it?

Ana: Yeah that's my habit but from the time when my birthday was approaching and I was so excited even counting the days, hours 

Jade: [ speaking while intruppting] Even the minutes and seconds.

Ana : [with a laugh] yeah even the minutes too. But on that very birthday, I fall sick that I didn't have my birthday cake even.

Jade:[ with full sorrow}  yeah I too remember that thing, honey!

 Ana : [while sighing]from that very day I have decided to not anybody about the thing till it is been properly finalized.

Jade: but for what thing that interview is about at least tell that very thing, Ana.

Ana: If I get that job I will surely tell you about that thing.

Jade: [ while putting her little finger towards Ana ] pinky promise?

Ana : [ while locking the little finger with Jade's ] pinky promise.

''Both fall asleep while giggling and laughing.''

It's me againTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon