Chapter- 5

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Drew: Here you go, mam!

Ana : [ while taking the mug from him] thank you so much.

'' she puts her head on his shoulder and sips the coffee both cuddling with each other''

Ana: I always thought love is not meant for someone like me. But you proved it wrong I guess.

Drew: it might be. So you haven't seen Amsterdam yet?

Ana: Yeah, I haven't but today is my off, so I am just planning.

Drew: [ with excitement ] so let's go?

Ana: now?

Drew: [ while lifting her in his arms] yes, come on baby.

SCENE 23[ White bathtub full of bubbles and rose petals both of them taking a bath in the tub and Drew sitting behind Ana and shampooing her hair]

Ana: [ asked suddenly] will you leave me at a point in your life? 

Drew: [ softly] what happened why are you asking that fucking stupid questions of me suddenly?

'' She turns her back towards him and looks at him''

Ana: [ while stressing out] tell me now will you? 

Drew: No, why would I leave you? I will be with you till the end.[ slowly kissing her]But why did you ask that so suddenly?

Ana: [ saying while adjusting herself] I don't know I just got up a vibe maybe. Leave it where are we both going today? 

Drew: so club, bar, bridge, movie and then...

Ana: [ with a smile] and then what?

Drew: and then into my arms my love.[ with side smile] 

SCENE 24[ Boat floating on the water under the bridge decorated with flowers and floral leaves all the way romantic songs are playing up Ana sitting in Drew's arms looking at the beautiful sky just like cotton candy]

Ana: Hey! I always think that I will always be alone my entire life.

Drew: but from now onwards I am there for you. Don't say that I will never leave you or maybe never get the board from you.

Ana: [ looking towards him] pinky promise?

Drew: [ laughs] what is this huh?

Ana :[ with tears in her eyes] this is something that a person closer to me does with me. Just like my elder sister Jade and I used to do.

Drew: so, what I am supposed to do now?

Ana: give your little finger[ she locked his finger with hers and both kissed ]

SCENE 25[Nighttime leaves falling and wind blowing away her hair. Both of them walk on the roadside and she crushes the leaves from her shoes] 

Drew: hey you are blushing huh?

Ana: I do easily blush.

Drew: you know what girls who blush easily are more generous than the others.

Ana: [ staring into his eyes] is that really true?

Drew: yes I am saying the truth and there we arrive go home or you will catch a cold[ kisses her forehead] 

'' she goes into the house and feels the way she  never ever felt  in her entire lifetime and goes upstairs for sleep''

SCENE26 [ Phone beeps continuously and she suddenly woke up]

Ana: Drew what are you doing at the window? I mean how did you just even climb up like this 

Drew: Can we have question answers round, later on, let me in first [ she pulled him in] 

Ana: Listen my home has a doorbell and a fucking door too?

Drew: I have called you more than 10 times but you didn't answer my calls so I have to come up like this by the window.

Ana: but what happened so suddenly that you can't wait for tomorrow even?

Drew: [ with a smile and sitting on the sofa] Ana I think I got addicted to you very much so I just want to sleep with you and be with you from nowonwards>

Ana: [ shocked and stammering] wait ! hold on what do you exactly mean?

Drew: I think we both should start living in a live-in relationship.

Ana : [ while a bit confused] um, okay...

Drew: [ comes closer to her and pulled her up tightly and says with dominance ] don't you love me huh?

Ana: I do love you, Drew.BUT...

Drew: there is no but and if. All I want is you and you till the end [ with a deeper voice] 

'' he picked her up in his arms and lay down on the bed''

Ana: Listen to me, honey. This is, not the time.

Drew: I guess there is no time for making LOVE  babe.

'' Ana breathing heavily and he closed her eyes with the blindfold and put her clothes off and start feeling each and every inch of her skin and frequently turned her off to the back side and spanked her tightly and tied her hands and kissed her whole naked back meanwhile Ana mooring and feeling both of them made up love whole night''

SCENE 27 [Ana attending to visitors and people in the reception and suddenly Jade called her up]

Ana : [ with a smile] hi Jade how are you? 

Jade: [ crying badly]Ana it's dad he is um.

Ana : [ suddenly stressed up and got up from her seat] what Jade? What dad at least completes the sentence?

Jade: [ crying voice] um, he is actually coming to see us yesterday but his car completely rashed down in an accident. Ana, we want you badly here. 

Ana : [ turned completely pailed] I am coming don't worry I am coming up right now. 

'' Ana rushed from the hotel and get in a taxi and went home picked up all her materials and called Drew''

Drew: Hi, I am sorry babe. I didn't tell you that...

Ana : [ saying while cutting Drew's conversation] I have to go back home Drew right now. My dad is in hospital due to an accident.

Drew: Fuck! stop I am also going there with you I will be there in a minute.

SCENE 28[ Ana standing outside on road with bags and Drew arrives in a taxi and picked her up and gets to the airport and gets the flight]

'' Ana banged on the door of her home and shouted mom Jade what happened are you okay? Is dad okay? I went to the hospital but they told me that you both left earlier. Mom at least says something. Jade, at least you say something about where is dad.[ said at the top of her voice]   anyone tells me what's going on in here 

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