Chapter- 8

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Ana : [phone beeps] Hi, Mom how are you both? Is everything going well there?

Mrs Willow: Yes, dear. But still, the pain of losing your father comes out. I think soon time will heal up that pain also.

Ana: Mom, time never heals it just made us learn how to coop up with the pain. Mom, I will call you later on I am at work right now.

Mr Jim: morning Ana. Is everything good there?

Ana:[ smiles] Yes, sir everything is alright.

Mr Jim: I approached you because our company has made up some lucky winners for this Christmas Eve and you are one of them. So we are taking them on the trip.

Ana; oh, that's great news but I am having somebody special with me so I can not leave him alone at home 

Mr Jim: no, issues darling we will also take him with us

Ana: [ with joy] Thank you so much. I think I should give this good news to him first of all.

Drew: [ picked up the call and immediately said] Hi, I can not talk to you now I am busy.

Ana:[ trying to speak up but hanging up the call] fuck!

SCENE 40 [ Walking up to home all tired from daily routine and unlocking the door]

Drew: Hie! you are 15 minutes late so according to the rule. I''ll spank you 15 times.

Ana: [ with deep voice] Look I am seriously tired today so, please.

Drew: [ picked her up and pulled her up] I am not going to spare you you make me 15 minutes wait.'' Spanked her 15 times hardly''

Ana: [ with a bit screamed voice] Hey! please stop.

Drew:[made her seated and kissed her gently] Don't stop me I am literally in the mood.

Ana: [ with anger] And what about my mood? my mood doesn't even matter? I am fucking tired.

Drew:[ with frustration] Every time is it necessary to start up a fight with me?

Ana: [ while keeping her anger aside]No, honey the thing is that I am a little bit tired.

Drew:[ immediately kissed her] It's all the fault of this beautiful face and eyes that put me up in a good mood and also settle down my anger fucking fast.

Ana:[ with a great smile] I have something to tell you!

Drew: [with a laugh] Are we both going to make up tonight or what?

Ana: [ laughs] No, actually my company is taking me on a trip so will you accompany me?

Drew: are you asking me or telling me up?

Ana: common. I am of course telling you this [ laughs]

Drew: so, when we are going?

Ana: tomorrow.Sharp at 8 'o clock.

Drew: Okay, ''Picked her up in his arms '' so let's definitely make up some love tonight.

SCENE 41 [Ana puts her skirt on while looking at herself in the mirror]

Ana: [ bit shouted] Hey! wake up are you going or not?

Drew: [ sleeping and muttering] off course I want to go.

Ana: [ saying while packing and rushing here and there] So for that you have to wake up then have to get up a shower and put on some nice clothes '' Dahh off course'' then only you can go, otherwise sleep hard here only.

Drew: [ opened his eyes while yawning and suddenly saw her and shouted] Ana! Ana!

Ana: what happened suddenly?

Drew: [ while looking at her ] Oh my god! no. Absolutely ''A BIG FUCKING NO''

Ana: what? is something wrong huh? tell me?

Drew: you are not going to wear up that fucking mini skirt on the whole trip.

Ana: [ with a bit of attitude] Well! I can cause it's my favourite one.

Drew: [ with all frustration] I am not joking. I will definitely not accompany you if you are going like this on the trip.

Ana: But it's me, my life, my clothes and fucking my choices.

Drew: [ with gesture] But the rules will be mine. So it better to change and wear something normal.'' left the room while smashing the door''

Ana: [ looking in the mirror while eyes full of tears] I wish I could wear this up.

Drew: [ shouting from the living room] Are you coming we are already late because of you.

Ana:[ saying while whipping her tears] Yeah! wait a minute '' she wears jeans and a coat and picked up all the bags and locks the room''

Drew: [ kissed her forehead] That's like my girl. Now you are looking, awesome babe.

Ana: [ fake smiles] Thanks for the compliments. Shall we leave now'' leave the house and locked up the door''

SCENE 42 [Both sitting in the bus. Ana sits on the window side and puts her head on Drew's shoulder]

Drew: I always wanted to go camping with someone like you.

Ana: same here but I only dreamed of myself alone. But luckily I got up a person like you ''looks towards him with love and full affection''

'' bus stops and everyone starts picking their bags and getting off the bus''

Ana: FUCK! This place is just like heaven. Look Drew'' no response from his side. Saying while searching him''Drew! Drew!. Where are you huh?

Drew: here Ana![ while clicking his own pictures]

Ana : [ with a fake smile] Are you seriously so self-obsessed that you didn't even feel for calling me even?

Drew: if I'll took up your pictures then my camera will get scared up[jokes and laughs loudly]

Ana: [feels hurt] Okay then I must leave.

Drew:[ holds her hand] Hey, hey, look a lot of anger on Ana's nose. Don't get angry I was joking let's click photos.

Ana: [ smiles and gives the camera to someone else] Okay then we will take up pictures together.

Drew: [ taking the camera from stranger] No, No, first I will click up your pictures then you click up mine okay?

Ana: [ keeping her choices aside] Okay click then.

SCENE 43 [Everyone gathered on the ground and soon Mr Jim announces some notice]

Mr Jim: so are you all guys enjoying here or not[ asked loudly]

''Everyone shouted Yes...''

Mr Jim: so we are now going to play a game. In this game, you have to place your tent and set up all the things perfectly and the team who like manages it up fastly would definitely win.

''Everyone starts clapping and cheering and gets up ready for the game''

Mr Jim: so there are four teams. And your time starts'' 1.2..3... GO... ''

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