part 11

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After training i meet up with Lucy and Keira in our favourite cafe, it was a small independent shop on the corner around 10 minutes from our hotel. We all order our food at the counter and sit in the same booth we always do, "Why did leah have her arm round u earlier?" Keira questioned. Keira is Leah's best friend so i assumed Leah would have told her what happened. "It was nothing," i plead, taking a sip of my tea, "It was not nothing," Lucy chimed in with a smile on her face. I cover my face with my hands to hide my embarrassment, "We kissed," i said, still hiding my face, "i knew there was something between you two," Lucy said shocked. Keira laughed and told us she already knew as Leah had told her earlier, "did she say anything else," i ask Keira curiously, "She just told me what happened and that she wasn't expecting it," Keira replies. I sigh and finish the rest of my drink, it was getting late so i told the girls i should head off as i agreed to meet with Leah. "Hope it goes well," Lucy says giving me a hug, "keep us updated," Keira adds. I grab my jacket and leave the cafe, whilst walking back to the hotel i decide to make an instagram post:

 I grab my jacket and leave the cafe, whilst walking back to the hotel i decide to make an instagram post:

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cafe trip with my girls🫶🏼 @ keirawalsh
@ lucybronze

As i'm scrolling through instagram, i click on Jordan's story, my heart sinks and my eyes start to tear up.

my girl🌙 @ leahwilliamson

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my girl🌙 @ leahwilliamson

I didn't know what to think, i thought they had broken up. I open my messages to text Leah, but i hesitate as me and leah aren't together and we haven't properly spoke since we kissed. I wipe my tears, and walk back to my hotel room. I feel my phone vibrate so i take it out of my pocket to see a message from Leah saying she's back in the hotel. I hesitate before opening the hotel room door as my nerves started to grow, i pull myself together and open the door and see Leah sat on the counter with her head in her phone. "Hey," Leah says as i close the door, "you look nice, have a good time with Keira and Lucy," she adds, "thank you, and i had a very good time," I say as i hang my jacket up. I feel a hand around grab me from around my waist, and pull me backwards slightly, "we need to talk," i say to leah pulling away from her. Her face drops as i pull away from her, i sit on top of the counter and gesture her to sit down on the chair. She refuses and stands opposite me, "G," she spoke softly, "I really did enjoy the other night," "Leah stop," i interrupt, i run my hands through my hair and place my hands
behind my head, "What's going on with you and Jordan, i saw her instagram story," i say, frowning at her. "Me and Jordan are just friends," she replies stepping towards me slightly, "i promise you. Nothing is going on with us, i don't know why she posted that picture but i don't have feelings for her." Leah pleads placing one hand on my knee so she is now stiff between my legs, looking slightly up at me. "I don't know Leah, i don't want to pursue things with you if you still have feeling for your ex," i say softly. Leah giggles slightly, "you want to pursue things with me then?" leah says with a smirk on her face. "Shut up leah," i laugh, pushing her shoulder, "but seriously though," leah adds, "i do want try things with you." Leah was now starting into my eyes with both hands on my knees, "thought you hated me though," i laugh putting my arms around her neck, "I only hated you cause you hated me!" Leah exclaimed, "and i only hated you cause i thought you hated me," i reply. "So we both hated each other for no reason then?" leah adds, "i guess so," i laugh, maintaining our eye contact. I place my hand on the back of leah's neck and lean down to meet her lips, she kissed me hard until she parted her lips slightly allowing me slip my tongue in. Her hand moved from my knees to around my waist until her cold hands met my back, she slowly untucked my t-shirt and i could feel her moving slowly up to my bra. "Is this okay," leah asks waiting for my consent, "yes," i just about let out as i struggle to catch my breath. As she goes to undo my bra, i kiss her soft lips which sends a tingling sensation through my body, until there was a loud knock on the door. I sigh loudly as Leah removes her hands from my back, "Did you invite anyone over," i ask leah who shakes her head. I open the door to Keira holding my purse out i front of my face, "you forgot this," she says hanging me my purse, "omg i didn't even realise, thanks Ke," i reply. She raises her eyebrows at me and gives me that look, her eyes move from me to leah then back to me to indicate she knows what's just happened. "I'll leave you love birds to it then, see you in the morning," she laughs, as she waves goodbye. As i shut the door, i can feel the awkwardness in the room from Keira's comment, Leah was now sitting in our bed, looking for something to watch. I sit on the other end to her as i don't want to push her boundaries, she shoot's me an annoyed look and pats the bed next to her. My face lights up, as i climb into bed next to her, she puts her arm around me and i cuddle into her chest, "Don't start thinking that i like you," Leah's says, "oh don't worry, i won't think that, same goes for you to," i reply with a small laugh, hugging her tighter.

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