part one- moving to arsenal

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I've been at Everton ever since I can remember, it's a huge part of my life. I've grown up here so when the decision to move came about it was a extremely tough decision for myself. My family have never really traveled, so moving to Arsenal was really out of my comfort zone, but it felt right for my career.

It was my last training session at Everton and it was very emotional. I could feel my eyes begin to tear up whilst i said my goodbyes; i became really good friends with Jess Park and Hanna Bennison, so saying goodbye to them was the hardest. "I'm really going to miss seeing you everyday" i said trying to hold my tears back, "Me too, but hopefully we both get picked for England camp" Jess replied trying to cheer me up. "Hopefully" i replied pulling her into a tight hug. As i said my final goodbyes, Lucy Hope our captain gave a speech about how I've developed as a player and how much they've grown to love me, which made me feel like everyone was supportive of me leaving Everton,

It's been a few weeks since I've left Everton and it's finally the day to sign my arsenal contact. I woke up to the sound of my alarm buzzing so loud i couldn't hear myself think. In a huff, i rolled over to turn my alarm off only to see i have a message from Jess. 'Good luck today Gracie, hopefully the team like you! jk who wouldn't!' This made my nerves disappear and made me become excited for my first day at the arsenal women's training ground. I got out of bed and made myself a healthy breakfast, i quickly had a shower and got ready just in time to set off. I hopped in my car and put my chill playlist on to ensure that my nerves didn't return. After driving for around 20 minutes, i arrive at the training centre. "This is so much bigger that i thought it was", i mutter to myself. As i walk to the reception my nerves begin to kick in again, and i see a figure walking towards me. "It is so nice to see u again Gracie! At lest this time you will be playing for me." I chuckled at Jonas' words, "It's so nice to see u to, genuinely can't wait to play with this group of girls, they seem so passionate." As we finish our small talk, Jonas leads me through to his office to finalise my paperwork on my 3 year contract and to do some media for the announcement of my signing.

As i finish my interviews, Jonas tells me that he's been called for a quick meeting so won't be able to give me a tour, "Don't worry," he says, "I've asked leah to fill in for me and she's happy to do so." Leah Williamson is happy to do a tour for me, i think to myself, i thought she hated me.
I've never been one to hold a grudge, especially over things that happen in matches, but for some reason every time Everton and Arsenal played each other leah would always pull out nasty tackles on me. We've had many verbal disagreements on the field which has lead to many fans making posts about how me and Leah are arch nemesis. There is no exact reason we don't like each other, we just don't get along. So when i found out Leah was doing my tour i was very confused but also annoyed as i can't stand to be around her.

She walks in with a smile on her face and greets Jonas, "thanks for this Leah, we appreciate it," Jonas replies signalling his arm towards me. " For real, don't worry," Leah adds. As soon as Jonas exits his office, her smile drops and her eyes land on my feet and follow my body to my head, "ready for your tour then miss Roode?" she asked with a annoyed expression on her face. "You lead the way captain" i replied as i threw my bag over my shoulder. Out of all the players at Arsenal it had to be the one i very much dislike to give me a tour around. As she continues to show me around the building i can't help but feel anxious for my next 3 years here. I think leah noticed as she gave me a look of confusion and asked " why've you gone all quiet, you were fine literally 10 seconds ago." Her tone gave the impression she was annoyed, "I'm fine, just a lot to take in" I replied. Leah rolled her eyes as she didn't think i could see her. "You know if you're gonna roll your eyes i will just look around myself, i don't need you to show me round you know," this really seemed to piss leah off, "oh trust me, you need me." We both stared at each other for which felt like forever until Beth interrupted. "Hi, you must be Gracie! It's actually so good to finally meet u, the whole team has been counting down the days" we both laugh, "not this one though" she adds gesturing to Leah, "she just doesn't care." It's a running joke between Arsenal and Everton that me a leah don't like each other so Beth making fun of the situation wasn't out of the blue. "Don't blame her," i replied with a slight chuckle, "was hoping to ignore her during my time here" we both laugh but leah just looks down and begins to play with her ring. After my tour, i say goodbye to the girls and head home to get ready for my first training session tomorrow,

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