Zay-"who yo mama is"

Y-"ion like u"

Zay-"mch I'm playing"

Y-"no your not"

Zay-"why would I do that"

Y-"because your nasty and your freaky and u like ass on your face"

Zay-"ive only let u sit on my face"

Y-"I'm not the first you've ate out"

Zay-"that I've enjoyed yes"



He slapped it again


Zay-"what it look to good"

Y-"am I about to change again"

Zay-"no daddy got u"

She smiled a little


He kissed her cheek

Zay-"just know when we get home sum might go down"

Y-"how about if we get home"

Zay-"u not funny"

Y-"im hilarious daddy"


She laughed

Zay-"what u call me"


Zay-"who daddy"

Y-"u daddy"

Zay-"....nope we not making it home"

She laughed

Zay-"mama u so sexy"

Y-"thank u daddy"

Zay-"call me daddy again I'm locking the door"

She laughed

Zay-"u laughing I'm serious"

Y-"baby chill out"

Zay-"ion feel like it how often u think they clean these bathrooms'

Y-"shit never once a year"

Zay-"isn't it another one in that big store in the back"


She finished playing in her hair and turned around looking at her ass


Zay-"oh myyyy go-"

She hit him

Zay-"ouch stop hitting me"

Y-"stop doing stupid stuff"

Zay-"that was not stupid"

Y-"it was to me"

He put his hands on her ass

Y-"why are u touching me"

Zay-"because I can"

She looked at him he looked down at her and kissed on her lips

Y-"I think u had enough kissed"

Zay-"nuh uh I need like 50 every 3 minutes"

She laughed he smiled he kissed her more

Zay-"how they loose u"

She shrugged and put her arms around his neck he kissed her a few more times

Zay-"I would of married u the second u asked"


He nodded

Y-"marry me"

He laughed making her smile more

Zay-"not where I want to propose"

Y-*gasp were getting married bookie

He said nothing

Y-*screams I getting married!!!

She let him go and found her phone

Zay-"I- no no no"

He snached her phone

Y-*gasp I call u my fiance

She said moving her shoulders saying fiance slowly he laughed

Y-"oh my goodness I gunna have rocks on my fingers and imma very throwing gang signs showing my fancy ring"

She said demonstrating he put her hands down she giggled

Y-"u my fiance papa"

He melted seeing her eye sparkle as she asked he kissed the space between her eye brows he held her hands

Zay-"not yet mama but soon"

Y-"u promise"

He looked in her eyes

Zay-"yes I promise"

Y-"for real'

He nodded she smiled bigger making him smile

Y-"I love u papa"

Zay-"I love u baby"

He grabbed her Jaw and kissed her more she put her arms back around his neck making out with him he grabbed her waist


He tried to say on her lips she kissed him deeper he closed his eyes and held her tight


He picked her up and put her on the counter she rubbed her hands down his chest and slid her hands under his shirt he grabbed her hands and pulled them out she whined and kicked her feet He broke the kiss

Zay-"not here mama this is a public bathroom"

She whined and jumped down grabbing her stuff and marched out the bathroom he threw his head back seeing he made her upset


He walked out trying to find her he went in a clothing store and saw her he sped walked up to her bit his lip hard and slapped her ass harder she turned around slapping him but he ducked he grabbed her hips and pulled them on his and smashed his lips against hers


She dropped her stuff and put her arms around him


my random ideas 2Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt