9- Camera Clicks

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"You look a bit more.. Scared than I was anticipating.."

Test tube raised an eyebrow

Paintbrush simply stared at the figure

seemingly of Lightbulb in their room.

"H- how.. How are you.. Here.."

Paintbrush clutched their head in their

hands tightly, shaking as they broke

down in tears.

Lightbulb just stands still in the

doorway as Paintbrush finally breaks.

doorway as Paintbrush finally breaks

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"Paintbrush..? You alright..?"

Test tube slowly approached

Paintbrush as they shook violently.

"Stay.. Away from me..!"

Paintbrush pushed back as Test tube

came closer to them, Running out of the

room and farther into the hotel.

"What was that about?"

Lightbulb questioned after seeing

Paintbrush's meltdown.

Test tube stood silent, trying to

comprehend what had just happened.


Paintbrush once again found

themselves on the elevator heading

down to the basement..

What was wrong with them?

Why were they repeating the past?

There were so many questions that

flooded through their head..

It was too much. They needed to hide.

The elevator dinged as it reached the

basement floor.

Paintbrush walked out of the elevator

and almost collapsed on the floor due

to how nauseous they were.

"How.. How is she here.."

Paintbrush curled up on the floor in

panic, stuck in a loop of questions.

Just then, A high pitched voice rang out

from the dark of the basement.

"You done down there?"

Paintbrush directed their vision to

where it was coming from, but their

eyes were too blurry from the tears.

"Who said that.. Who are you!"

Paintbrush shouted in a fit of confusion.

"Let's just say you know me. And I

know a LOT about you, Paintbrush.."

The voice spoke.

"Like the two attempted murders you

commited just a few weeks ago.."

Paintbrush's eyes widened at the words

that were spoken to them.

"But.. How?"

Paintbrush was almost too tired to

question, but this was important.

"All you need to know is.. Plan your

moves carefully, Paintbrush. We'll be

there.. Remember that."

And in an instant, the voice was gone

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And in an instant, the voice was gone.

Leaving Paintbrush in a spiral of



"Don't you think telling them was a bad move?"

"No, no. It was a good call."

"If you're sure then... Alright.."

- .-- --- / .-- .. .-.. .-.. / ..-. --- .-. . ...- . .-. / -... . / .--. .-. . ... . -. - / .- ... / - .... . -.-- / -.. . ... -.-. . -. -.. / .. -. - --- / -- .- -.. -. . ... ... .-.-.-

False Promise (UNSCRIPTED *FUN*FIC)Where stories live. Discover now