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Senna's pov
Song inspo - Don't Give Up On Me - Andy Grammer

A few days had gone by since I'd had the shock of my lifetime. I needed time to process things, I think we all did. I'd visited with Price, it was never enough, nothing could show him how sorry I was.

He swore he was fine, even tried to get out of bed rest to which Gemma ordered him otherwise. He couldn't ignore her, she was in charge of his care and that I was grateful for. She seemed different and I assumed it had something to do with Soap. Like they'd worked through whatever it was that was between them. I felt that my words had helped, maybe pushed Soap in the right direction but I also knew that Gemma didn't need my help.

She may have not been 141 or a soldier, but she was something in her own right.

I, on the other hand, had not yet spoken to Johnny or Ghost for that matter. They'd both disappeared after what Price had told me. I assumed it was because they were angry with him, that they didn't agree. Hell, I didn't exactly agree with him. He was too forgiving with me, too easy on me and I never expected him to put me in charge. He had to know that there was the chance I'd go off on my own Luke I wanted to. I wanted to go after Graves and finish this once and for all.

He must have known I'd have this battle with myself. Why put my team at risk when I could go settle things myself, I could make up for what I had done myself.

It was because he trusted me. Maybe he knew that my guilt would play a part in it, I was too guilty to disappoint him again. Too guilty to just run off on Soap and Ghost.

Soap probably had no trust for me at this point, I understood. But Ghost, I was unsure of his distance. We both seemed to be avoiding each other. Part of me wanted him to come to me, to tell me we could go off and do it together. Part of me wanted him to let out the anger he had to be holding back. He too was being too easy on me, because of what I was to him.

How could I lead this team if neither of them could look at me?

I was in the middle of a run when I got a text from Soap, telling me to meet him at my house. We were still sticking to base, unsure if Graves would try anything but I wasn't going to ignore him. If I did he'd be out there on his own anyways.

I showered and changed before making the drive there. It felt like forever since I'd been there and seeing it only made me miss Simon more. I was afraid I'd never be able to fix it now, that he would want to take back his last name that I eventually planned on making my own. Had I done what it would take for him to do that? And if not, what line would I have to cross for him to tell me he didn't love me anymore?

Johnny was sitting on the front steps and when I got out of the car and walked towards him he finally looked at me foe the first time in days. The last time he looked at me was with disgust, resentment, but the way he looked now gave me hope. His gaze was soft and even regretful. Johnny had always been the easiest to read, he wore his heart on his sleeve and it was one of the many things about him I adored.

"We'll surely get in trouble if they find out we left base." I said to him as I stopped a few feet in front of him.

"It's not like we went off alone." He answered as he stood and that alone made my heart warm. He was right, we weren't alone, we had each other. "C'mon." Soap said then as he turned to walk, not into the house but around it, towards the woods in the back.

I didn't hesitate, I followed. I knew where we were going as soon as he moved in that direction.

I remembered everything about that day - the first walk we ever took into these woods that ended at the stream. When I struggled to remember what he and Simon and Price meant to me. When I couldn't remember who I was and I didn't want to then.

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