
332 14 31

Senna's pov
Song inspo - Godspeed by Wage War

I wanted to see Johnny. I knew they'd arrive back soon, Ghost had at least stopped by a few hours ago to tell me that. He let me know that Price was still stable though kept unconscious, last he heard. His visits, although I knew they still hurt him even though he swore he'd forgiven me, were the only thing keeping me sane.

I'd run out of cigarettes from Gemma and the only thing to keep me busy was picking at my fingertips and picturing every way I could make Graves cry out in pain. I needed this to be over. Simon needed this to be over. I could see the torture it was causing him. We were a little broken but we had been before, we could fix it once Graves was no longer breathing.

At first I doubted him, doubted that he would end Graves if he was ordered not to. But I knew he was more than that. We were all a team sure, but Price would forgive him. Kate would forgive him. They were the small few that saw what we meant to each other. We'd both been through too much in our lives to let something like orders matter, even if we were still soldiers.

We were now so much more than that. I was his wife and he, my husband. My partner, till the end of time and maybe even then some.

The fact that I couldn't be his partner in this right now, it was destroying us both.

And then there was Johnny. I knew he'd agree to ending Graves, after all we mattered more to him and now he had Gemma. Still, I was afraid of how angry he would be with me over my betrayal. By letting Graves escape for my own selfish means - or by possible mind control by Graves - I was putting all of them at risk, including the doctor.

Anger with John was different. Of course I was hurt to know that Simon had felt betrayed, but we had something different than what Soap and I did. Johnny was my best friend, I knew he understood me, but not in the same way Simon could. I was happy for it, knowing out of all of us at least Johnny had some sort of happiness in his early years of life and now still. Johnny was one for all, and I was all for one. I was all or nothing.

"Soap!" I heard Simon yell from outside the room before the both of them burst in, Simon behind Johnny.

Ghost's dark eyes were irritated but also worried and I could tell his brow was furrowed. I imagined he had try to explain things to Johnny, try to make him go easier on me, but I don't think Soap had listened. In fact he looked more furious than I had expected.

"You're back, how's Price?" I asked hurriedly as I moved to push myself off the cement floor.

"Open it." Johnny demanded, pointing at the door to my cell, completely ignoring my question.

Of course I was relieved to see he was okay as well but I doubted he wanted the door open to give me a hug, no matter if that's what I really needed.

"Uh, why?" The guard asked, confused and a little nervous because of the men that had entered my room. The guard had grown used to me, not like I could do much from where I was anyway.

"Because, I'm going to beat it out of her." Soap said then, dangerously cold and slow.

The guard looked to Ghost, who was looking at me with a knowing look. I have him a nod and then he nodded to the guard.

"Beat what out of me?" I asked. Whatever it was, I deserved it. I deserved it ten times over. And I'd let him have the upper hand, if only because I was exhausted and had barely slept despite being forced to stand still for days.

"The audacity." John answered, but as the door opened and there was nothing between us he didn't move.  I raised my brow at his answer and when he still didn't move and tilted my head back and forth, flicking my arms out to awake my muscles.

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