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Ghost's pov
Song inspo - Treading Water by Danny Rose

Senna thought that there had still been no word of Graves but that was a lie. While she was out for a run, Price had pulled be and Soap aside and informed us that Graves had been spotted in Brazil. Why Brazil? We weren't sure yet, but we'd be going after him soon enough.

She wouldn't be joining us.

I knew it had been a tough decision for Price, wanting to leave her behind. On one hand we needed her, she knew how Graves worked better than any of us, we weren't a team without her. But then there was the fear that since Graves had managed to get in her head once before, there was a possibility he could do it again.

This time we couldn't be sure we'd know how to bring her back and it wasn't worth the risk.

I hated it. I promised her I'd never leave her, that we'd never do anything without the other and yet here I was, ready to break that promise. Price had offered to be the one to tell her, since he was in charge. But I knew it had to be me, if anyone could get through to her it was me, but I wasn't sure I'd even be able to with something like this.

I was pacing in her quarters when she finally returned. I'd wanted to wear my mask but I knew she'd see right through it anyways. I did my best to hide my emotions, she'd been back sooner than I thought and I hadn't figured out a way to tell her yet.

I didn't want to face her wrath or her fear. Both could easily ruin me. I absent-mindedly spun the band around my finger and despite how relaxed I tried to seem, she could tell I was on edge.

Before she could ask what was wrong I moved to her, my hands finding her face and pulling her to meet me halfway, crashing my lips onto hers.

It didn't matter how many times they met, I never tired of the feeling of her lips on mine.

Senna returned my kiss, fingers gripping at the sides of my shirt as she leaned into me.

This I wanted, her desire, her love. Maybe I should have let Price tell her after all.

Sweat beaded on her forehead from her run and her hair was tied back in a loose bun but she was still just as beautiful as ever. I wanted her as much as I always did.

I let go of her face to reach down, griping at the back of her thighs to lift her up so her legs would wrap around my waist.

"I need to shower." She muttered against my lips and I could feel the smirk on her lips against mine as I set her on the desk. The one I'd broken had been replaced, with something a little sturdier.

"It can wait." I urged as my gloves fingers slipped up her thighs to her hips, grabbing at her sides as they slipped beneath her shirt.

"What are you in a rush for?" She started with a light laugh, her own arms wrapping up around my shoulders. "There's still no word of Graves, we have time."

It bothered me how at ease she seemed about the situation. Everything Graves had done to her, to us and the team and yet she seemed patient to wait. Maybe she was just doing her best to hold it together like I was, probably that. She was good at hiding things.

I tensed a bit at her words and it gave it away, she would know that something was wrong. I tried to press my lips to hers once more but she leaned back, brow furrowed.

"What is it?"

"Nothing." I said too quickly.

"Don't lie to me, Simon." Her tone had turned from playful to irritated, teetering on angry.

Fuck. I had wanted some time with her before I ruined things, before telling her something that would make her as angry as I had been the night I'd destroyed her room.

"Simon." Senna urged as she forced my gaze to meet hers. I let out a sigh, trying to be calm so that she would feed off of it.

"Graves is in Brazil. Price told us why you were out on your run." I explained quietly and slowly, watching her eyes widened just a bit at the information.

"Why didn't he wait for me? When do we leave?" Senna wasn't angry, not yet, but she would be.

"We aren't going anywhere. You're staying here." My hands still held at her waist, when it set in I knew she'd pull away, be just as furious with me even though it hadn't been me that ordered it that way.

"Like hell I am. Simon we promis-"

"Price's order." I interjected. Not that it mattered, after hearing what Price had to say I agreed. I couldn't lose her like that again. Knowing she was safe would be worth her wrath.

Her hands found my chest then and she pushed me back so she could hop off the desk and stand. Her mind was still processing it.

"You can't leave me here. I know Graves better than any of you at this point. You need me." She argued, voice slowly getting louder.

"You're right. But if there is a chance he can take control of you again, we can't risk it."

"Bullshit. That's done with. He won't be able to." It was her turn to pace, anything to focus her sudden rush of energy.

"Senna." I reached out for her but she stepped out of my reach.

"Did you even try to argue or is this something you agreed to?" She snapped at me but I didn't take it to heart. If the roles were reserved I'd be the same way. There would be no way in hell I'd allow her to go after Graves without me.

"It doesn't matter." I answered, watching her carefully.

"Doesn't matter? You're joking right now right?"

"Senna, please."

"Don't do that. There's no way I'm not going with you. Price doesn't have a choice. And I'll make him change his mind whether you want to back me or not." Senna moved to the door then and I followed.

I couldn't back her, Price had already convinced me otherwise. Maybe he'd be better at getting the point across. But I could at least be there for her when he confirmed what I'd already told her.

Not that she would want me. The honeymoon was definitely over.

I'm so sorry it's been so long. Things have been hectic. I promise I'm still here I might just be a little slower than usual for awhile. 💙

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